Page 64 of Wrong Bride
Jada would love the direction her mind just took. Hundreds of visitors were arriving for their annual flower show. Take that away and you’d have some mighty fine people pissed off. Couple that with the townsfolks… well, let’s just say she’d feel sorry for one Whiskey Morgan come morning. She took out her phone again and sent a quick text message to her editor. This time come tomorrow morning those stuffy bigwigs would think twice about messing with her town.
And she could get rid of the idea of Whiskey taking her to bed again. After tonight he’d probably want to ship her out of town and out of his way instead of tying her up in bed.
She stepped up on the curve and dodged around a few workers setting up several platforms that would hold the town’s various flower contests. Normally she’d pitch in and help out, but this year she had to help in another way. Focus drove her the last block back to the shop. She spotted Stacey, her mass of hair piled in a high messy bun that went perfectly with her flowing summer dress and sandals. Genevieve smiled. That girl could make a black garbage bag and paper hair rollers look good.
“Wow, you’re lightning fast!”
Stacey threw her hands wide. “I was just around the block. Talk about wow…you madegone countrylook good! You’d never know you were a big city girl now.” Stacey released her from a bear hug and pulled back to look at her t-shirt and cut-offs. “Lemme guess, you ran into Whiskey Morgan?”
Genevieve nodded. “Come on in, I’ll tell you all about it. I thought you were bringing backup?” She slipped the keys from her front pocket and then welcomed the cool air from the shop. Pugly wiggled until she sat him down for water and then backto napping, he went. Thank goodness he was so lazy. She didn’t know what she’d do with any more energy.
Stacey followed her in. “She’s coming. I broughtextrabackup though.” Stacey wiggled a bottle of Don Julio between them.
Genevieve pointed to the clock on the wall behind the counter. “You know it’s not five o’clock, right?”
“But it’s after noon, so you know. I have glasses too.” Stacey plopped onto the stool and pulled out three shot glasses with her Babe’s Brides company logo etched across the front in feminine loops and swirls.
“Fancy! Hit me with a double. I have to keep my wits about me, but I need a little encouragement too.”
They both turned to the sound of the bell over the door.
“As I live and breathe! Venus! I saw your place when I arrived this morning. It’s beautiful.”
“Thank you! I have to admit, it’s a dream job.” Her childhood friend slipped through the front door and closed in for a one-armed hug. “Come here, you.”
Gah, she’d missed them more than ever.
“Are those fresh cupcakes?” Genevieve peered inside the white box. “Chocolate and caramel donuts.”
She half groaned and half sighed. “You kill me. Gimme!”
“Bad news goes down better with sugar. I thought you knew this.” They joined Stacey by the back counter.
“And tequila,” Stacey added.
“So, I see you’ve heard the news,” Venus stated around a mouthful of dough.
“Let’s back up a second.” Genevieve glanced between her two friends. Whileshewas friends with each woman, last she heard the rivalry between Stacey and Venus ran deep. Since high school, in fact. “What’s going on here?” She pointed a finger between them.
Stacey stood from the stool and wrapped one arm around Venus and another around her.
“All’s good. I got so busy over the holidays a few months back that I forgot to tell you Venus and I have mended the fences, so to speak.” Stacey winked at Venus. “In fact, we’ve teamed up on a couple of spring weddings.”
“You would be surprised by how many sex toys and edible underwear are used for weddings and party gifts.” Venus threw up her hands as if to swear it the truth.
“For real?” Genevieve had to ask, brows nearly hitting her hairline.
“Yep, and life is much easier with friends at your back than enemies at your door. So, let’s toast to that.” Stacey slipped back to her stool and poured them each a double shot of tequila. All three shot it back like they were back in college, no savoring just straight to it, and she welcomed the cool, dry bite of the alcohol.
“Speaking of enemies.” Genevieve checked to make sure Pugly was sound asleep before she pulled over a couple of stools and filled them in on every last detail of her morning except the legs wrapped around Whiskey and her riding him like a sex-crazed maniac part. A girl needed her secrets.
Venus spoke first. “Wow. Just wow. So, did you kiss him for saving you? When I first met Ben I kind of fell into his life. He had the best cologne and sweetest, sexiest smile I’ve ever seen on a man. Made me want to kiss him just to see if he was real. I swear, if I were a little easier, I would have stripped on the first date just to see if a cowboy really is better.”
Genevieve canted her head to the side and gave Venus a look that bordered betweenare you seriousandonly you.
“What?” Venus’s smile grew. “I’m just saying, I am in the sex business, ya know. Could have been written off as research. You wouldn’t believe the kind of questions women ask me. Cowboys and their equipment come up quite often, I’ll have you know.” Venus offered an apologetic smile that made her look wholly smitten with her Texas cowboy.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you blush.”