Page 43 of Wrong Bride
Surprise sprang her forward to clasp Marshall’s hands. “What? How could he do such a thing? How could he do this to his family, the people he loves?”
“There’s more.”
“Oh, this ought to be good.” She almost didn’t want to know. Almost. It was like a telenovela, and she couldn’t look away from it.
“Before leaving for LA to find you, I told my board I had a full six months to find a bride. Which was true at the time. My father’s personal lawyer crossed some wires and paperwork. He didn’t tell me until twelve hours before I walked through your doors.”
“So if I don’t sign, you’re in the same boat I am in?”
He nodded. “My family will lose everything and you’ll lose everything you worked hard for too.” He looked sad, no, not sad. He looked as though he failed, not just himself, but others who counted on him. She understood that. The same weight he talked about with his father now pressed on him. So much so she could almost feel the pressure from where she sat.
“So what is it you need me to do? Besides plan a fake wedding?”
“I want you to meet with the board members with me. Sell them on the idea that the wedding is happening and that’s it. Just be your charming self.”
“So the wedding isn’t about love or romance, especially when there’s no bride, is it? You don’t have to pay me anythingadditional, Marshall. Nothing has changed from our original agreement.”
“That’s where you are wrong. You’re helping me save my company, which in turn saves my family. I think it’s only fair I do the same for you.”
She thought that over for a moment. She wished at another time, another place they had met under different circumstances. Wished life wasn’t so screwed up and complicated.
He gave a tight smile that morphed into a half-grin that tugged on one side. “I’m not really sure how I feel about the romance department. It’s been a while since I dated.”
When was the last time he enjoyed a day off? Enjoyed a walk in the sand, a long talk? “I’ll sign on one condition. Make that three,” she corrected and sat forward, holding up her pointer finger like an exclamation point.
He flashed her a victorious smile.
“Not so fast, Blackwood. You have to come to Gran’s party, and, if you want me to continue this charade for your board members, you have to go to the summerfest near my shop with me.” The man needed down time and a little fun in his life. “And one more thing. You have to let me help you find a bride in time for the nuptials.”
The man needed a helping hand in that department if he wanted to admit it or not.
A strange look passed over his face. He let out a low laugh. “Bested by the wedding planner. You’re good. I’ll see your counter and raise you.”
Her heart pounded. She enjoyed a good game of cards. “What’s that?” And here it came. She managed what she hoped was a completely perfect tone and not one of sheer and utter panic-laced curiosity. If she didn’t agree to his counteroffer to her counteroffer, she could kiss Vows from Juniper bye-bye for good.
“Have dinner with me tonight. I’ll cook. I don’t know about you, but eating out isn’t as good as a home-cooked meal and I feel like I owe you.”
He did not just say that. Coming in at number five on her perfect man list satloves to cook.
This could not be happening. “Okay.” And this time her voice did crack. She cleared her throat and took the pen Marshall offered.
She scrawled her name on the dotted line and looked at the sum she would receive and swallowed.
“Juniper Winter, you drive a hard bargain.” He propped a foot on his knee and looked like he just won the lottery.
“So, tell me everything I need to know before we land. I don’t want to step out of bounds and get you in trouble.”
She didn’t believe in love at first sight, or even third sight for that matter. But Marshall Blackwood was quickly proving her wrong on so many levels.
Thirty minutes is all it took for him to fill Juniper in on all the board members, their names, rolls, and what she needed to say once they arrived at headquarters.
He stood and refilled their mugs, but more to stretch his legs than anything else. He couldn’t wait till they landed. This close to Juniper for so many hours was playing havoc on his control. More than once he wanted to pull the enchanting woman into his arms, kiss the ever-loving hell out of her and make them both lust drunk happy mile-high members.
He gulped down a good mouthful of coffee, refilled and returned to the cabin where her perfume permeated every inch of the recycled air.
“Thanks,” she said as she took the offered mug. Her delicate fingers brushed against his and every vein, red blood cell and nerve ending in his body fired to life and every damn one of them led to his dick.