Page 40 of Wrong Bride
Blunder five million. She wanted to slap a hand to her mouth. She couldn’t believe what just fell from her lips.
She swallowed back the lump in her throat.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to say that.”
He shifted in his chair, stretching all six-plus feet of his body out giving a little more emphasis on the area between his thighs. Where her eyes didn’t need to caress. But they did anyway.
“Don’t be,” he said, chuckling lightly, his lips pulling into an easy smile. Some reminder or another went off on his computer and he turned to it. His brows drew down and all the mirth from his eyes faded.
She wanted to kick her own ass a thousand different ways. Why the ever-loving hell did she say that?
They worked in silence for the next few hours with the occasional answer to one question or another. The only other sound that filled the cabin was the crinkle of papers and the clacking of her nails over the keyboard as she lined up meetings with two local dress shops in Houston. It took finagling andhanging major dollar signs in front of them to stay open on Saturday, but she managed.
While Marshall tended to his meeting, she could make progress with the wedding and hopefully steal Stella away for a while so she could nail down firm details. She still didn’t know the venue or the number on the guest list to expect. She needed solid details if she was to pull off this miracle of weddings in time.
Marshall stood and moved to the back of the cabin where the small kitchenette was located. The only thing she spied on her way to the restroom was a coffeemaker and a can of dark roast. A few moments later, sure enough, he came back with two steamy cups.
“I could use a break. My eyes are starting to cross. How about you?”
“Sure. Thank you.” She took the offered cup. “Do you travel a lot?”
He drank deeply before answering. “Not much since Pop became ill a couple of years back. We were in and out of the hospital a lot, the business was in a critical point and I couldn’t take my eyes off it or risk a few ruthless sharks moving in at the smell of blood. They would have no problems leaving us dead in the water.”
She waved a hand. “I know what you mean. I have a shark of my own.”
“The aforementioned Stacey Banners.”
Juniper nodded. “I heard she reached out.” She’d been dying to ask the question, but she had a signed contract, so she didn’t have to worry about Banners poaching her client. But now that the opportunity arose, she wasn’t one to shy away.
“She did and extended an invitation to my sister and myself to visit her shop should—or more, when—we found your services lacking. Her words, not mine.” He moved on to reassure her.
“Doesn’t surprise me. What kind of company do you work for?” Now that they were talking, she might as well get some answers to fill in the blanks with.
“Own actually, BlackCo Texas Oils.”
Her brows climbed a little at hearing the name.
“You know it?”
“Of the name, yes. You’re THE Marshall Blackwood? As in Texas’ richest, most eligible bachelor?”Well, how do you like that?She rested against the back of her chair, taken aback by her complete ignorance. In her defense, she was a little too busy to worry about a name or where her client got his money.
He cringed. “Yeah, I had hoped we could have blown right over that one, but yes. That’s me. Or so says the magazines and internet. I’m just trying to run a business and take care of my family.”
“I get that.”
“We’re the second-largest in the country and working to make that number one. It was my father’s dream, now mine I guess you could say.” He pegged her with a wry smile and a curious stare. “I’m surprised you didn’t Google me the second my sister and I left your shop.”
He looked at her with a curious smile on his face.
She paused with the mug halfway to her lips. “Sister?” And come to think of it he’d said sister when referencing Banners phone call too, but she’d paid no mind.
He sat forward and placed his coffee on the knee-high table between them.
“Juniper, about that.”
Dread filled her.
He paused for a long minute as if to gather his words. The tiny crinkle lines around his eyes deepened with what she assumed was indecision or worry.