Page 34 of Wrong Bride
“Where are my manners? Morning, ladies. I thought maybe I could pick up on that rain-check from yesterday morning. I need to get some work done, and I don’t know about you but only a good cup of coffee can hold this cold at bay. Would you like to join me? I thought we could work down at the cafe I spotted. I passed it on the way here. Maybe one of those cinnamon rolls Stella picked up yesterday would be good too.”
“My treat,” he continued when she didn’t speak.
“That would be lovely. Let me grab my planner and my bag then we can head out.”
She ducked upstairs and threw a few things into her shoulder bag, her movements quick and decisive.
“Here let me help.”
He took her bag, his fingers brushing against hers. Warm, strong. She thought about how her hand felt in his yesterday.
Juniper, my friend, you are royally screwed.
“Hardt’s is only a few blocks and it’s so sunny out. Would you like to walk?” Earlier rain clouds had passed over, but she knew they wouldn’t stay around long. She stepped out the door but quickly stepped back to allow a jogger pushing a stroller more room.
For a minute her heart stopped, and she forgot to breathe. It all happened so fast. The thick heel of her boot caught on the metal frame of the door she’d just walked through and pulled her back abruptly. Before she could catch herself, Marshall had his arms around her and she found herself turning to look up into his eyes. If she didn’t know any better, she would say lady luck and happenstance was having a great time with her right about now.
“Whoa there, sweetheart. You okay?”
She sighed, and nodded with a slight smile. She knew the second heat hit her cheeks. “It seems I either have the worst of luck or the best. I can’t decide which yet?”
Marshall chuckled and the sound felt so good through their connection where her back rested on his chest. “Being theoptimist, I would go for the best, but then again, you have given me two opportunities to be a knight in shining armor.”
And two chances to feel all that sexy, hard muscle.
Turn the clock back a few centuries and he would be the clichéd hero that rode in on his white horse to save the damsel. That gave her pause. Being the damsel never sat well with her, but he didn’t know about her predicament so that calmed her nerves.
Her phone dinged with a message, but she didn’t dare look. She knew it was Callie giving her point of view of the chain of events with sassy commentaries while she was at it.
He raked a hand through the side of his hair and for the first time looked less powerhouse CEO and more laid-back cowboy. “Let’s leave the walking for another time. How about we drive?” He swung open the car door to a rental parked close to the curb. A corner of his lip tilted in a half-smile and the way his eyes sparkled caught her off guard. So handsome and kind, and definitely from Texas.
She laughed and eased closer to the idling car. “You always take such good care of your wedding planners?”
He tossed his hat into the back and buckled up in the driver’s seat. “My first and last time. Gotta make it count.” He winked.
“Did you pick the wedding date, or did Stella?”
“Neither. My father did, actually. I would have never picked a summer wedding in a million years if it were up to me. Too damn hot. Especially in Texas.”
To understand her clients’ needs, she liked to dig a little deeper to find what made them tick. Marshall Blackwood was not making her job any easier.
“Oh. That’s a first. I’ve never heard of a father picking a son’s wedding date. Not that I’m judging, mind you.” She fiddled with the strap of her purse and pondered on the many levels of his loaded statement.
“It’s a first for me too. Kind of blindsided me, to be honest. Turn here?”
She nodded. Interesting, but he didn’t offer more so she didn’t ask. Those kinds of details were not for her to dig into if the client didn’t want to share.
“Pool parties, beach time, palm trees, and barbeques. To me summer is such a happy time. Everyone seems happier, ya know. Might be the umbrella drinks and beer making it so,” she laughed. “But they bring lots of people together for sure. Is that why he picked it?”
“You’re a curious one, aren’t you?”
A warmth eased over her as he laughed at her shocked expression.
“Don’t worry. I get it all the time. Believe me, you and my sister would get along perfectly.”