Page 1 of Wrong Bride
She needed to get laid more often.
Find a boyfriend who was actually in the country for more than a day would be the first step toward making that happen.
She wasn’t even sure if her lady parts worked any more it had been so long. Maybe she wouldn’t be so stressed out if she went out more often, picked up some handsome stranger with a nice smile and a killer bod and got wild every once in a while.
But she’d have to be single for that to work.
Juniper Winters shoved a handful of Tic-Tacs into her mouth and contemplated her life choices, eyes glued shut with complete horror. She could have stayed in law school. Duking it in the courtroom wouldn’t be as stressful as battling a damn, nerve grating perfection-seeking mother fussing over her daughter’s wedding like she was the queen of all things wedding related.
As a professional wedding planner, it was part of the territory, Juniper reminded herself.
To be expected.
But still, that knowledge didn’t mean she had to like the fact that her 3Gs plan to a spectacular wedding—Glamour, Glitz, and Glory—lined her up with another G-word.
Of epic fucking proportions.
Till today, her refined planning system worked like a charm.
Juniper ducked around the corner to check for cameras and then slid inside a little nook off the side of the foyer. She pulled up short and peeked outside to see guests already pulling up in limos and Rolls Royce’s.
A crackle of static went off over the ear piece she shared with her assistant, Callie, and the wait staff.
She let the curtain fall back into place.
“Jun, you there? Shit’s hit the fan, boss lady. Where are you?”
Juniper took a deep breath and lowered her voice. “Here. I’m here. Start at the beginning. Everything was garbled. I thought I heard you say the wedding dress is gone. No dress means no wedding which means no payment. The bride can’t exactly say ‘I do’ in front of millions of people with her tits out.”
Callie laughs. “We’re talking about a Hollywood star here, Jun, and we all rememberthatmovie. Everyone has already seen her tatas.”
“That’s beside the point, Callie.”
A headache started to form between her brows.
“Okay. Okay. You’re right. I’m sure that’s not how she wanted to get the ratings up either.”
“Callie!” Juniper needed a vacation after this wedding. There were no two ways about it. Maybe find a couple of men on some tropical beach and just lose herself. Palm trees, coconut oil, sun...
With a guest list that matched her height foot for foot and the barrage of tasks she somehow, someway managed to pull into an actual wedding, her nerves were nearly toast.
Juniper appreciated her assistant’s attempt at humor but with her heartbeat nearing triple digits, laughing didn’t sit high on her list.
“I’m just saying what we’re all thinking, but okay, being totally serious now. I saw when you put the dress in the van for transport here from the shop when we brought everything over two days ago, but after that, I don’t know. I just don’t.”
“Where are you now? Does the client know?” No reason to upset her if the news hadn’t traveled. Not yet anyway.
Juniper stepped out of the nook and made a beeline for the back entrance where they had unloaded everything.
“Didn’t you secure the dress along with the groom’s tux?”
“Affirmative. I placed the dress in the bride’s suite and the tux in the groom’s before leaving. I personally saw to it. Now, who the heck knows.” She heard the shrug in Callie’s voice.