Page 14 of A Heart of Sin and Evil
Finally, we reach the captain's quarters, and one of the naga bangs on the door.
“Enter,” the captain says from inside.
One of the naga opens the door for me and they let me go, allowing me to walk in by myself. Once the doors are shut behind me, I realize that I’m a lot more scared than I thought. That is, before I spot what’s in front of me.
Captain Selliss is sitting at a small dining table with two place settings. He nods for me to take the seat across from him. Is this really what’s happening? He brought me here to eat dinner? Like… like an equal?
“Y-you want me to sit with you?” I ask, just in case I got the wrong message.
“Sit, yes.”
I do as I’m told while trying to avoid eye contact.
“Why won’t you look at me?”
“I-I didn’t want to be rude, sir.”
“It’s master to you.”
“Yes, master.”
“You will look at me when we are speaking to each other.”
“Yes, master.”
“Are you hungry?”
Is he kidding? Does he actually think I get fed proper meals in the dungeons? The last time I ate was yesterday when they threw me a moldy piece of bread and a small chunk of old cheese. Plus a few bites of fruit he shoved in my mouth. I’m fucking starving.
“Yes, master, I am.”
“Well, eat then. I had them bring a few different options. There’s some dripir stew, some fried burgona, and some yellow cheese. You can help yourself.”
“Thank you.”
As I fill my plate, I try not to think about how weird this is. Why would he care about feeding me? Is it an appearance thing, like he thinks I’m too frail for his liking so he’s trying to fatten me up?
Maybe he thinks I’ll perform better if my belly isn’t rumbling from starvation.
“Do you not like the food?” he asks.
“No, the food is great. I, um… I haven’t been eating that well since I’ve been here. Not that I ate that well before I came here. I mean, I’m not complaining…”
Fuck, I have no idea what I’m supposed to say to this guy.
“You’re nervous.”
He says it like a statement, but I feel the need to nod anyway.
“Don’t be. No one is going to hurt you here.”
No, you’re just going to fuck me for sport. And I just have to take it unless I want to die. But you’re right, no one is going to hurt me.
I shovel some more food into my mouth, enjoying the only real meal I’ve had in a long time. To think that the rich naga out there are eating like royalty while my people starve.
When I look up, Selliss is staring at me. Not in a bad way, but not necessarily in a good way, either. I set my fork down and put my hands on my lap. Is this his way of signaling that break time is over?
He takes a sip of his mead, finally breaking eye contact. I breathe a sigh of relief now that those intense gold eyes have looked away. Gods, why am I letting this naga get to me?