Page 62 of The Anti-Heroes Collection
Glare heavy on my face, she reaches between us to adjust her towel. The back of her hand presses against my chest. There’s no helping it. There’s no helping the fact that I’m hard as a fucking rock, either.
This is not what I had planned when I moved her in here.
Not even close.
If anything, it’s an inconvenience I’ll have to overcome. Because I have no intention of letting her leave. Not until I get my revenge.
“Are you done with your tantrum?” I ask after she finally steps back. “Because there are more stipulations to cover, and you’re eating up quite a bit of my time.” I pause. “And your money.” The way I say “your” implies I think it’s anything but.
Payton shakes her head, her eyes narrowing. “No. That’s unfair. You said all I had to do was live with—”
“That was for college tuition,” I cut her off.
“What do you mean?” Her voice breaks as she speaks.
“There are other incidentals. There are other things you’ll need. Do you truly think you’re going to live in my house, and I’m going to pay for everything? News flash, princess, I’m not a good person.” I level her with my stare. “You’re going to have to work for it.”
Her mouth drops open, and her eyes are as wide as saucers.
She looks confused and defeated at the same time.
It’s a cute look on her.
Does it make me sick that I’m enjoying this?
Probably, but I don’t care.
With a twist of her jaw, she recovers. Rather quickly, as I expected her to be in shock a little longer, but nope. Instead, she narrows those big blue eyes and scoffs at me.
“I am not a prostitute,” she replies sharply.
I continue to smile, loving the anger, hoping to further piss her off. The way I stalk forward has her on edge. I circle her, watching her stiffen.
“I will not sleep with you to pay for my food,” she adds, her nostrils flared.
“Calm yourself. You look like you’re about to have a brain aneurysm.” I stop behind her, whispering into her ear. “You are the last thing I’d ever want. Unlike my father, you mean nothing to me.”
“Then why am I here?”
I continue walking again until I’m standing in front of her, an easy foot away. “You are here because I deem this to be the place that you deserve to be.”
“So, I’m here so you can make my life a living hell.”
“Ding. Ding. Ding. You finally understand. I could easily give you the inheritance. But I won’t.” I shrug, making light of her situation, knowing it pisses her off more. “It’s not about the money. It’s about you.”
“What did I ever—”
“I don’t have time to listen to you complain, princess,” I interrupt. “There are rules to the house that need explaining.”
She glares at me. Her head tips down at what she is wearing, or in this case, not wearing. “Can I at least put on clothes?”
“But you just said—”
“I know what I said, but my time is valuable. I don’t have time for you to get dressed.” I pause. “Well, at two grand a minute, I suppose it doesn’t matter to me how you spend it.” I gesture toward her closet. “Go ahead.”
She doesn’t budge. Her eyes sparkle as if she is playing at something.