Page 617 of The Anti-Heroes Collection
She loved Angelo, much to my disdain and fury, but that didn’t change what I felt for her.
I still longed for her warm body next to mine. Her sweet mouth and quirky thoughts and that vegetable garden she talked to and piano sessions, stretched over lazy weekends, where I’d read the papers while she played a mishmash of classics and The Cure.
Besides, wasn’t that far more cruel than letting her go to Angelo? Watching as she stayed and wilted here, her heart blackening and hardening next to mine?
She could fake her affection for me, sure, but our desire? That was real. And consensual.
Wouldn’t it be far more grueling to have her suck my cock and cream my face while she pined for another?
Wasn’t revenge a good enough reason to keep her?
“I’m going to the Bernard’s gala tonight,” I announced, kicking a part of the wooden box aside on my way to her closet.
I picked out a scarlet, skin-tight dress she particularly loved.
“I don’t remember seeing it in our calendar.” She rubbed her face tiredly, fleetingly forgetting that our calendar no longer meant shit because our charade was formally over.
I’d hand her one thing—she was a good actress. I was an idiot enough to buy into it.
“I originally turned it down.”
“What made you change your mind?” She took the bait.
“I secured myself a date.”
“Wolfe.” She pushed herself past me, blocking my way. I stopped. “What are you talking about, a date?”
“Her name is Karolina Ivanova. She’s a Russian ballerina. Fuck hot, and damn responsive.” I’d used the same word to describe Francesca when we first started to explore each other’s bodies.
She threw her head back, growling in frustration.
“You’re a cheater now on top of everything else. Nice touch.”
“Not exactly. We’re obviously in an open marriage.” I swiped the touch screen of my phone in her face. Her kiss with Angelo flashed, taunting her back. “Remember our verbal contract, Nem? You said both of us needed to be loyal. Well, that ship has fucking sailed.”
It’s somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, hitting an iceberg that would split the Titanic in half.
“Thanks for the memo. Does that mean I can invite Angelo over?” She smiled sweetly.
I didn’t know what had made her such a bitch overnight. I just knew it wasn’t warranted on my part.
“Not if he wants to make it out of here with his dick intact.”
“Explain the logic behind your words, Senator Keaton.”
“Gladly, Mrs. Keaton: I plan to fuck my way through the better half of Chicago until I’ve had enough of what it has to offer me. Then, and only then, and only if by the time I’m done fucking everything that breathes, you and Angelo will be done with one another, I’d consider letting you suck my cock again. We’ll start small. A couple times a week. Then take it from there. That is, if I’ll ever get bored from the variety,” I added.
“And the dress?” She knotted her arms over her chest, pointing her chin to the dark blue number.
“Would look ravishing on Ivanova’s tight little bod,” I provided.
“Walk out this door tonight, Wolfe, and you won’t have a wife to return to.” she stood at the doorway now, tall and proud.
She took a deep breath.
“Whatever happened this evening will need to be discussed between us. But we will never have a chance to do that if you don’t stay. If you leave to spend the night with another woman, I will not be here come morning.”
I smiled sardonically, leaning down, our mouths nearly touching. Her breath hitched, and her eyes glazed over.