Page 558 of The Anti-Heroes Collection
“I will never doubt you again, Francesca.”
“Leave!” I screamed, pushing off the desk.
The wheels of the chair hit his feet, but he didn’t seem to care about the pain. He left after that, but what happened between us stayed in my room.
When I woke up the next morning, two Advils, a morning-after pill, a bottle of water, and a warm, wet washcloth waited on my nightstand.
I instantly knew that Ms. Sterling was privy to what happened during the night.
I took the Advils and the pill, drinking all the water. Then I spent the rest of the day crying in my bed.
I paced the east wing.
Back, forth.
Back, forth.
Walking had never been so excruciatingly maddening. I wanted to kick down the door and barge inside.
I barely had it in me to send Kristen a letter from my lawyer, threatening to sue her for every penny she ever earned if she published the piece on me.
I also knew I couldn’t hold her back from dishing out the dirt for much longer, but again—did I care?
Not. One. Bit.
“Give her time.” Sterling was shadowing my every movement like a fucking tail.
As if I was going to force my way in.
Done quite enough of that for a lifetime, Sterling.
“How much time?” I barked.
I was not well versed in the whole relationship gig.
I was even less familiar with the world and feelings of teenage girls. Even as a teenager myself, I opted for more mature women. They didn’t take me seriously, and there were no expectations to be met.
“Until she feels well enough to leave her bedroom.”
“That could take weeks,” I spat out.
Francesca already proved to be able not to eat for long periods of time. If disobedience was a competitive sport, my future wife would make it to the Olympics. And medal.
“Then that’s what you’ll give her,” Sterling said with conviction, signaling me with her head to leave Francesca’s wing and come down to the kitchen with her.
I couldn’t unsee the bloodbath between her legs, or the way her thighs shook, twitched, and tensed under mine.
I’d always had a talent for reading people. That was how I’d become a star politician, impeccable prosecutor, and one of the most formidable men in Chicago. Which was at odds with the fact that I failed to notice my young, very sheltered, nervous fiancée was a virgin.
I was so blinded with rage thinking she’d slept with Angelo that I didn’t take her word for it.
And she—the smart, sensitive, gorgeous vixen that she was—served me with a healthy slice of humble pie, making me finish every bite of what I’d started.
I should’ve seen it from miles away. She came from a strict Italian family and went to church every Sunday. She simply wanted me to see her as more worldly and less of a naïve little mouse.
Unfortunately, it worked.