Page 476 of The Anti-Heroes Collection
I scanned the first floor with the open-plan kitchen and large living room bleeding into an immense balcony and spotted Mario and Stefano whisper-shouting between themselves in Italian. They stopped when they saw me looking.
I checked the overhead clock. It wasn’t quite eleven.
Know that feeling of an impending calamity? The first shake of the ground beneath you, the first rattle of the coffee mug on the table before the brutal storm?
That was what this moment felt like.
“Frankie!” Mama called out, her voice pitching high, “we’re expecting guests. Don’t go anywhere.”
As if I could just up and leave.
This was a warning.
My skin began to crawl.
“Who’s coming?” I hollered back.
The answer to my question presented itself not a second after I asked, when the doorbell rang just as I was about to climb upstairs and ask them what was going on.
I flung the door open to find my new archenemy, Wolfe Keaton, standing on the other side, wearing a spiteful sneer on his face. I recognized him without the mask even though he’d worn one for most of the evening yesterday.
As much as I hated the man, he was born with an unforgettable face.
Decidedly aloof and infuriatingly elegant, he bulldozed into the landing in a Regent fit plaid suit and a tailored blazer. He immediately shook the morning dew from his loafers as his bodyguards trailed in after him.
“Nemesis.” He spat out the word as if I was the one to wrong him. “How are you feeling this morning?”
Shitty, thanks to you.
Of course, he didn’t need to know that he had any impact on my mood. It was bad enough that he deprived me of my first kiss with Angelo.
I closed the door behind him without sparing him a look, welcoming him as much as I would the Grim Reaper.
“I’m doing fantastic, Senator Keaton. In fact, I wanted to thank you for yesterday,” I mentioned as I slapped my grossly polite smile on.
“You did?” He arched a skeptical eyebrow, getting rid of his jacket and handing it to one of his bodyguards since I hadn’t offered to take it.
“Yes. You showed me how a real man shouldn’t behave, proving Angelo Bandini is the man for me.”
His security guy hung Wolfe’s jacket on one of our hangers, ignoring my presence. Keaton’s bodyguards were different than Dad’s. They wore actual uniforms and most likely had a military background.
“As a gentleman, you have failed me. As a con, however, I give you an A plus. Highly impressive.” I gave him two thumbs-up.
“You are funny.” His lips were pulled tight in a flat line.
“And you are…?” I started, but he cut me off sharply.
“An attorney at law, and therefore extremely impatient when it comes to irrelevant chatter. As much as I would love to stand here and talk to you about our lackluster first base, Francesca, I have some business to attend to. I would advise you wait until I’m done because our little banter today was just the preview.”
“That was a pretty bad preview. I wouldn’t be surprised if the movie tanked.”
He leaned forward, entering my personal space, and chucked me under the chin, his silver eyes lighting up like Christmas.
“Sarcasm is an unbecoming trait on well-bred girls, Miss Rossi.”
“Kiss-thieving wouldn’t go on my list of gentlemanly things to do, either.”
“You kissed me very willingly, Nemesis.”