Page 446 of The Anti-Heroes Collection
The Andretti soldiers escorted me, Everett, and Asher to the airport. Everett bounced with energy as he sat sandwiched between me and Asher, but by the time he stumbled onto the plane, he crashed out on the sofa.
“He’ll be happy with you.” Asher nodded to Everett.
Everett laid on the sofa bench on the opposite side of the plane while Asher and I sat facing one another in front of a chess match we were both too exhausted to play.
This month had taken its toll on the both of us.
I moved a pawn on the chessboard. “Yes. Not just because anything beats being near his absent ovary donor, but also because he’s always loved it in New York.”
Asher slid his knight into E6. “Vincent gave you that folder?”
“Yes.” I took his rook.
“How did he give it to you?”
Asher paused, his fingers brushing his queen. “You’ve seen her?”
He knew I’d broken up with her and why.
Lucy had pried it out of me and spilled the beans to him. Traitor.
I leaned back against the leather, the chessboard forgotten. “No. She slid it under the door.”
“She could have used this information for her career.”
“I know.”
“She loves you.”
“She also lied.”
“It was her job,” he pointed out. “When it came down to it, she chose you.”
“Maybe, but it doesn’t matter. I can’t trust anything she says anymore.”
“She loves you. You love her. You both make each other happy. Forgive her and move on.”
“It’s not that easy.”
Asher shrugged. “Sometimes, you have to forgive people if you still want them in your life. Do you still want Ariana in your life?”
His lips drew up in a smirk. “Who’s the liar now?”
The first duty of love is to listen, while the last duty of love is to forgive.
Two Months Later