Page 44 of The Anti-Heroes Collection
She is right about one thing; I am a dick, but I’m not about to let this girl walk alone at this time of night. I wait a minute before heading out. As soon as she has a reasonable head start, I follow her.
This neighborhood is safe, but you still can’t be sure.
After what happened to my sister, I wouldn’t do that to anyone, even if I hate everything she stands for.
She walks in the direction I expect her to—toward her friend’s place—and knocks on the door.
Her body is pressed up against it as if she is afraid.
A few seconds pass, but then it opens, and she throws her arms around her friend, holds her, then pulls away.
A single moment of weakness.
Because once she’s a few feet away from her, Payton stands straight. Her actions make her uncomfortable.
I file that away in my brain.
Another thing I have learned about Payton.
She doesn’t want to appear weak in front of her friend, not just me.
Good to know.
This I can use.
I smile to myself as I watch the door close.
Soon, she will be exactly where I want her to be.
Begging for mercy.
Unfortunately, she won’t get that from me.
Rubbing my eyes, I see I’m not alone in the living room. But this time, unlike last night, the eyes are friendly and don’t belong to anyone who wants to kill me.
“Good morning to you. How did you sleep?” Heather raises an eyebrow.
“Great.” I smile. “Thank you for letting me stay here.”
She rolls her eyes at me. “Of course, I would let you stay here. You know you never have to ask, right?”
I nod, knowing full well I’m going to have to come clean about everything that happened last night.
“I made coffee. It’s in the kitchen,” she says.
“Wait. There’s no room service or, in my case, living room service? What kind of place are you running here?” I say sarcastically.
“The kind of place that opens the door at three o’clock in the morning with no questions asked.”