Page 434 of The Anti-Heroes Collection
I wasn’t meeting with Damiano De Luca because I wanted to save my family from embarrassment. I was meeting with him because I wanted to save Ariana’s life.
A life I knew nothing about.
She’d betrayed me just like Elsa had.
Only this time, I’d known not to fall for it, but I did anyway. I’d known Ariana’s last name. I knew never to trust someone from her family.
But I’d let her in, and she’d turned out to be a liar.
The worst part was, I knew, despite all the access she’d had since I’d hired her, she wouldn’t use the information she’d acquired.
Not now.
Not after us.
Jupiter and Ganymede, she’d called us.
Like she truly believed that.
“We’re here, sir.” My driver kept his face ahead as he spoke.
The town car pulled up beside Damian’s. The lot to the Wilton University campus brimmed with European cars, but we nabbed two faculty spots in the front, not caring about rules.
My driver kept his eyes up front as I sat in the back seat, skimming the contract I’d drawn up earlier.
Damian opened the door and slid in beside me, his face carefully blank. I cleared mine, too, as I took a sip of the green smoothie Luna had made this morning on Tessie’s behest.
“You hear from Renata Vitali?”
His throat bobbed, and I knew she was his weakness. “Yes.”
We sat in silence.
The Vitali family could go after Ariana, and she’d be dead.
Done. Just gone.
Like she’d never existed.
I shifted. “…And?”
“And she agreed to discretion, so long as the matter is sufficiently handled on your end.”
I waited for the caveat, but when he didn’t give one, I prodded, “What does discretion entail?”
“It means the encounter will be slipped into the Vitali archives, and so long as no attention is drawn to this weekend, there should be no reason for anyone to investigate.”
Translation: keep my mouth shut and don’t draw attention to this.
“What does she want in return?”
Renata was a hard woman to pin down. She’d disappeared from the mafia scene ages ago, and I couldn’t figure her out.
“I’ve taken care of that.”
“In exchange for what?”