Page 398 of The Anti-Heroes Collection
The opulent marble floors chilled my feet. His bathroom could have housed two of my apartments, which didn’t surprise me.
He had a double sink, black clawfoot tub, and standing shower with a clear door and Aurora marble and pearl tiles.
Deciding I’d rather use his towel than go out there and ask for one, I stripped my shirt off and hopped into the shower. I jumped when I heard the door open, covering my breasts with my arms.
He didn’t glance at me through the glass door of his shower as he grabbed his toothbrush and brushed his teeth.
After ten seconds of staring at him aghast, I turned on the water to a warm setting and tried my best to relax under the spray.
As soon as he rinsed his mouth, he turned to stare at me, his arms casually crossed and the backs of his thighs resting against the sink counter.
I tried not to be affected, failed, and endeavored to throw him off balance instead. “Who is Everett?”
“None of your business.” He uncrossed his arms and took a step toward me. “I need a favor.”
I barked out an uneasy laugh as he slid his boxers down in one quick movement, and his cock bobbed against his stomach, already hard.
“Why would I do you a favor? You’ve never been nice to me.”
I could have given in, allowed what had happened yesterday and the way we’d used one another to heal to truly change us, but I couldn’t.
Not yet.
I’d let it shatter our boundaries and pull us closer, but I couldn’t break down that last barrier. The tiny, breakable wall made of Elmer’s glue and paste. Not while I knew what it meant that I had, quite possibly, been the last to see Vincent Romano.
“I’ll return the favor.”
“I don’t want anything from you,” I whispered.
A lie.
I wanted this life.
Not the penthouse, the fancy bathrooms, and the prime New York real estate. I could do without those, but I wanted the little sister to talk to, the man to come home to, the idea that someone could actually depend on me like Bastian did now with Tessie.
I wanted to feel loved and wanted and trusted and me.
A version of me I could be proud of.
A life where the only duty I had was to make myself and the people I loved happy.
He opened the shower door and moved me aside, stealing the water from me.
I shivered in the cold, my nipples pebbling and thighs shaking as I watched the water drip from his head down his chest, past the twin V lines, and to his erection.
Good Lord.
Showers were invented to watch water drip down Bastian’s skin.
“Take care of Tessie until I return.”
“That’s the favor you want?”
I’d thought we’d already settled this. It was hardly a favor. I would have done it anyway. Plus, he’d cleared me of all my shifts already.
My lips parted a little as I watched him kneel in front of me. “What are you doing?”
He kissed my inner thigh, bit down on the skin, and slid apart my lips. “Returning the favor,” he said before he latched onto my clit, and I realized he knew I’d already agreed to take care of Tessie.