Page 372 of The Anti-Heroes Collection
She batted those 99-Cents Store lashes at me and gripped my shoulder with those stick-on nails.
She was missing one. The middle finger. It fell off on the car ride because I’d insisted on taking the motorcycle despite her protests.
This woman was delusional.
Every mafia bunny knew about Gio and Ma’s arranged marriage and figured they’d be next. Fat chance in hell I’d ever get married unless it was a farce to somehow help me get Everett back.
“Have you seen the flowers? Oh, they smell so good.”
She plucked one from a table and shoved it under my nose. I plucked it from her finger and shoved it under her nose, not-so-accidentally smearing her lipstick in the process.
“Oh, Bastian. You smudged my lipstick, silly!” She reached into her clutch for her lipstick and pulled the plastic tube out. “Excuse me while I fix this in the restroom.”
I loosened my shirt collar when she left and slid my suit jacket off.
If I had to sit through another mind-numbing second of that, I’d probably get arrested for murder, and I wasn’t in the mood to pay anyone else off right now.
Freddy, Asher’s new assistant, who’d replaced the batshit insane Monica, made eye contact with me as he strode my way.
I stood and met him halfway, hoping the mafia bunny would forget about me when she returned to the spot I was at and didn’t see me.
Freddy cut straight to the point when he reached me. “The front desk security at your penthouse has been trying to get ahold of you. I just got off the phone with them since Mr. Black is your emergency contact.”
“My phone ran out of batteries earlier.” I’d been on it all day, hoping the bunny would take a hint and disappear. They never did. “What did they want?”
“A woman is there, and she refuses to leave before she sees you. They’ve asked if you’d like them to call the police.”
His crisp tone never wavered, the consummate professional, a huge step up from Asher’s last batshit insane executive assistant.
“Who is the woman?”
“I believe they called her Elsa.”
I forced the breath to escape. “Did they mention what she wanted?”
“Just that she insisted on seeing you and is making a fuss at the front desk. They’ve taken her into the security room for holding.”
“Thank you. Let Asher know I’ve left and will talk to him when he comes back from his honeymoon. Don’t tell him what happened.” At Freddy’s reluctance, I added, “He just got married. He doesn’t need to worry about my problems on his honeymoon. I’ll tell him everything when he gets back.”
Freddy nodded once and left after that, all business, moving on to his next task as I made my way to the exit.
I was one of the few who’d actually arrived at the church. Everyone else took the tunnels, but since I’d arrived with the mafia bunny from
Hell, I’d wanted the quickest route to the venue.
I passed Vincent on my way out.
Vincent latched onto my arm as he examined my face. “Going somewhere? They haven’t cut the cake yet.”
I bit back a cringe and pulled my motorcycle keys from my pocket. “Elsa is in town. My penthouse security has her in holding.”
His eyes scanned my face, looking for something I hoped he didn’t find.
He looked exhausted.
Hopefully not from me.
“Do you need anything from me?”