Page 352 of The Anti-Heroes Collection
“A flush?” My eyes shifted to the clock. Fifteen more minutes, and I could leave. I considered my options and decided I didn’t want to look defensive. “Hmm…”
I shrugged.
“Yeah. Hmm. I mean, I don’t know what I’m supposed to say to that.”
The smile I cracked didn’t elicit a reaction from her.
She just studied me from behind her horn-rimmed glasses we both knew she didn’t need but wore to be taken seriously on the job.
“Is there something you want to tell me?”
“Wilks had a check in with the informant, who said there are rumblings of an Andretti in Romano territory. I’ll ask again. Is there something you want to tell me?”
“Jenn, just spit it out already. What are you saying?”
“I’m saying I think you’re keeping something from me, and I’ll have to note this in your file.”
Would it kill her to look more remorseful?
“What? Jenn…” I straightened up from the couch I laid on. “You’re my best friend. You’d write me up for some crazy thought you have in your head?”
“It’s not a crazy thought. It’s a professional opinion. You and I both know I have to note down everything I see. I can’t make exceptions. Even for you.”
But I was her best friend.
I drew in a shaken breath.
“This is insane. You could unleash a hailstorm upon me. They could pull me from this legend.”
On second thought, that shouldn’t have been a bad thing. I could finally take a break and catch some distance from Bastian, but if I were being honest, I didn’t want to.
What a mess.
Jenn shrugged and set down her pen.
“I’m not writing you up. I’m making a simple note in my report. It’ll be eyes only for Wilks.”
“The alternative is to lie on my report, which would risk my job.” She popped a brow up, reminding me of the strict business psych professor at Degory that everyone hated. “Are you asking me to risk my job?”
I’d never ask that… but it occurred to me that, if it were a Romano in this situation, speaking to another Romano, there’d be no discussion.
Loyalty to one another came first. They blurred the lines without thinking twice when it came to protecting one another.
As my best friend, I’d thought Jenn would at least hesitate before doing something like this.
This struck deeper than the confines of our friendship. It struck a chord in my life, in every day I’ve spent living.
I’d thought having this duty as a law enforcement officer and protecting my country would fulfill me.
It didn’t.