Page 338 of The Anti-Heroes Collection
“Sorry,” the man muttered.
He shoved me forward as he stalked past me, bumping his shoulder against my back, and out of the door.
Bastian caught me before I fell, but the movement caused him to let go of the door, trapping us both in the storage room.
Oh, goodness.
I chased the door, but it had already shut. Trapped. With him of all people.
My fist connected with the door as I yelled for help. I raised my fist again, but he caught it.
“You’ll sprain your wrist,” he explained, as he rubbed the redness away from the first hit. It was almost as if he cared. “I don’t have the time to rework the schedule because you want to act foolish and petulant.”
There it was.
The real him.
I tore my hand away and paced the length of the room. Mostly because I was starting to feel claustrophobic with him taking up so much space.
He was 6’4” and 220 pounds of muscle at most. He shouldn’t have taken up that much space, but he did.
“You’re freaking out,” he remarked, leaning casually against the door that trapped us.
“We could be here all night.”
“Are you dumb?”
I stopped and stared at him. “Excuse me?”
“Always let someone on your shift know where you’re going, and don’t travel to empty areas alone.” He crossed his arms. “Two simple rules that exist for a reason, yet you seem incapable of comprehending them. If I hadn’t come…”
I cut him off, “I would have been raped by one of your regulars who likes to hang out with your people.”
It was the first time I’d made a reference to his mafia dealings. Subtle, but the reference hung in the air and caused it to thicken.
Bastian’s jaw ticked at the word rape, and he unfolded his arms. “He’ll be dealt with.”
I knew he wasn’t going to incriminate himself here, but I was genuinely curious.
“By someone with more intelligence than you.” His words lacked their normal bite, but his eyes looked irate.
If it were anyone else, I’d say he cared.
“Thank you.”
I suspected it wasn’t the answer he’d been expecting because he opened his mouth to say something but stopped.
He dipped his head in a nod. “You’re welcome.”
I leaned my head against one of the shelves. It dug into my scalp, but I ignored the sting.
“It was stupid.” I knew I could have taken that guy, but it would have broken my cover. I shouldn’t have put myself in the position. “I’ll be more careful next time.”