Page 329 of The Anti-Heroes Collection
The sound of footsteps drummed their way into my ears, and Gio and Vince interrupted us, entering the main bar area with Bianchi trailing behind them like a meek lamb being led to slaughter.
Bastian straightened up instantly and leaned away from me. The movement was small, but it spoke volumes.
His voice dipped low, so only I could hear.
“This conversation changes nothing.”
But it did, and we both knew it.
Do not forget duty.
But choose love when you can.
“As your best man, I feel the need to insist that you tap out of this one.”
My arms squeezed Asher’s head, flaunting my Anaconda Vise hold because I could.
He grinned, brushed off my millionth innuendo about calling off his wedding, and twisted out of my grip. “That one wasn’t even creative.”
If Niccolaio were here, he’d be on my side of the rifts, so I felt the need to double up on the jokes.
I didn’t actually want Asher to cancel his wedding, but it was my obligation as his best man to pretend marriage sucked and was the end of everything good in the world.
Hell, it had been for my parents, so maybe there was some truth to that.
Not that I thought Asher and Lucy were anything like Ma and Gio.
Or me and Elsa for that matter.
I swung my leg around Asher’s torso, wrapped my arms around his elbows, and held him in a Full Nelson hold on the wrestling mat.
“Seriously, though. You’re off your game. Tap out, Ash.”
He straightened his left arm and rapped his flat palm against the mat three times. I tightened my hold for a few seconds because I couldn’t resist, and then I released him from my grip.
As soon as he escaped my hold, he straightened up and gave me a blasé shrug. “Pre-wedding jitters.”
I popped a brow up. “Second thoughts?”
“More like excitement.”
I followed him to the refreshments and towels area of the home gym in his penthouse.
“Aww, you’re so cute, Ashy. Let’s go get our nails done, and you can tell me all about it over pink lemonade martinis and scones.”
“Fuck off, asshole.” He paused. “Everyone knows you eat scones with tea, dumbass.”
I laughed, loud and in his face, but I couldn’t help but wonder what the type of love that Asher and Lucy shared felt like.
In most ways, Asher was the same person I had always known him to be. The only difference was, he had someone to share his life with.