Page 288 of The Anti-Heroes Collection
But even thinking that, I knew she was none of those things. She either fought back or ignored me entirely, and that, in turn, unnerved me.
I needed her to leave.
I pointed to a door past her shoulder and spoke even faster.
“Ice is in the basement freezer. When it’s your shift and you’ve been assigned the right-side shift, you’ll be expected to bring ice up when the levels reach about twenty percent. There are extra bottles of alcohol stocked underneath the top shelf cabinets.”
I opened one of the upper cabinets. “Always keep each bottle stocked. If there are only two left, you’ll be expected to restock them from the basement. Except the Dom Perignon, Patrón, Grey Goose, Crown Royal, Hennessy, Ciroc, Johnnie Walker, Don Julio, Maker’s Mark, Belvedere and Bombay Sapphire.”
I pointed to the rows with those bottles and closed the cabinet before she could process the brands. “Those are our top sellers. You push those. Hard. And when they’re down to five bottles, you restock. Always.”
I pointed to the rows of tap levers. “Alcohol on tap is refilled by a vendor during pre-open prep. Additional rules will be in the employee handbook I emailed to you this morning, along with your initial offer, non-disclosure agreement, and contract. The offer expires at midnight. Any questions?”
It was a challenge.
I had shot information at her quicker than most could retain it, but if she asked a question, it would be tantamount to admitting failure.
And if I were being honest, neither of us wanted that.
I was very aware that Tessie was here and very aware of what I wanted to say if she wasn’t.
I’ll bend you over my knee.
Spank that perfect, round ass.
Show you what happens when you misbehave.
Our gazes locked, our resolves tangled, and I raised a single brow. Another challenge. My eyes narrowed as I read the unspoken words her eyes screamed.
You can’t fool me, they taunted.
I know what you’re doing, they mocked.
I see you, they destroyed.
Her eyes may have conquered me, but all those pouty, defiant lips gave me was a short, “None.” She grabbed her bag, slung it over her shoulder, and returned her arresting gaze to me. “I take it that’s the end of training?”
She looked at her watch again before she continued, “Huh. It took you two hours to do a fifteen-minute job. Funny. I never took you as”—her eyes dipped to my cock—“… incompetent.”
Her eyes lifted to Tessie’s, and her voice transformed into something warmer than I would ever be on the receiving end of.
“See you around, Tessie,” she said, succeeding in calling my sister a nickname she refused to let me use.
And then she left, her swaying hips teasing me with each step she took towards the door.
Christ, who was this woman?
I was supposed to be breaking her spirit.
It should have been easier than this, but each move I made was met with fire, and each step I took reached an unexpected stalemate. If this were a game of chess, it would be a draw.