Page 27 of The Anti-Heroes Collection
Every morning, like clockwork, my phone rings, but there’s never anyone there.
It’s making me angry.
Today, a song played. Which was creepy as hell.
A thought hits me.
Is this Trent Aldridge?
I’ve waited months for him to show back up in my life. Every day that passed, I expected the call from Mr. Baker, informing me Ronald’s family is taking me to court.
Are the calls from him?
Did he break into my house?
That’s ridiculous.
He wouldn’t get his hands dirty.
Unless . . . this is part of a bigger plan.
But what can that plan be?
To make me look unhinged?
If he’s as smart as I think he is, this goes beyond scaring me. That’s too juvenile. If I go to the cops, looking as paranoid as I do, I become the unhinged lunatic in their eyes, just in time for Trent to serve me with papers. It’s a damn good way to ruin my character. It also pushes me into a corner.
No cops.
No reprieve.
I’m out of options.
When I take a seat in my chair in the classroom, Heather is already there.
“Any word yet from the dickbag?” Heather asks. After the showdown in the lawyer’s office, I mentioned that I was scared he would be a thorn in my side. I didn’t go into details because I don’t want to drag her into this mess with me.
Every day that has since passed, we started class with a mini-meltdown. She pries me for info while I give vague answers, unsure whether Trent Aldridge would stoop so low as to come after my friend.
“Well?” Heather follows up, watching as I take out my laptop for notes. A gift from Ronnie.
The answer is no. I haven’t heard a word from Trent or Mr. Baker in over two months.
What does that mean for me?
I would be lying if I didn’t admit that I’m getting nervous.
Too much time has passed.
It feels like one shoe has dropped down on me, and I’m waiting for the other one to hit me in the head. With my luck, it’ll crash down, weighing a million pounds, and cause a nuclear fallout in destruction.
Yep. That’s me. Forever the optimist. Watch out for my TED talk.
“Come on, Payton.” Heather edges closer. “You’re killing me here.”