Page 264 of The Anti-Heroes Collection
She texted me again with a one-hundred-thousand-dollar wire request. Definitely not about Everett.
Reminding myself I’d find a way to screw her over later, I sent her the one hundred thousand dollars and emailed her the confirmation link, along with links to a dozen porno sites known to cause viruses.
Sending the money to her put me in a bad mood.
Seeing her name put me in a bad mood.
Everything related to Elsa pissed me off.
I slid my phone into my pocket and took my time walking to the entrance of the bar.
Nothing irritated me more than people who thought they could bulldoze their way into my life, take what they wanted, and expect no repercussions.
Ariana De Luca ticked each of those boxes.
On top of that, the other night, she’d worn a bandage dress which reminded me of something Elsa would have worn after New York had tainted everything I loved about her.
When I got to the bar entrance, Ariana was waiting outside in the late spring heat, a bustle of New Yorkers sparing her no attention as they walked past.
My eyes, on the other hand, honed in on her immediately.
It wasn’t because she was attractive.
She was, but I didn’t give a fuck. She was little more than a nuisance with a body and face that happened to make me look twice.
It was her mouth that proved lethal, but I wouldn’t exactly call her a worthy adversary.
Just a pain in the ass who happened to be right.
L’Oscurità needed a new bartender and finding one who demonstrated competence was taking longer than I had initially thought it would.
Ariana De Luca happened to be the first candidate who knew her shit and was attractive enough to work at L’Oscurità.
Plain and simple, that was all that mattered.
Never mind the fact that her last name was a stain on this planet and belonged nowhere near my family, even if she wasn’t one of those De Lucas.
She would get her interview, and if all went well, she’d undergo a brief training period.
But as soon as I found a bartender who didn’t piss me the fuck off, I was firing her faster than she could say, “I want a severance package.”
She straightened from the wall as soon as she saw me, opening her mouth, no doubt an argument on the tip of the harpoon she called her tongue.
“I thought you had ‘no tolerance for tardiness.’”
“I have no tolerance for people who make me wait. How long you had to wait is of little importance to me.”
“Oh, don’t worry your grouchy little head off. I only had to wait a few minutes.” Her voice was a satisfied croon, and she failed to hide her smirk.
Hell, I wasn’t convinced she had even tried.
I told myself that I didn’t care, but I was already making a mental note to check the exterior cameras when I had the time.
If she was telling the truth, she would have had me waiting for two hours, and Christ, that tore through my indifference and pissed me the hell off.
I unlocked the bar, turning on the lights as we entered. The bar didn’t open until six thirty at night, so we had about half an hour before my employees were due to arrive.
Ariana scanned the room, taking it in while it was empty.