Page 24 of The Anti-Heroes Collection
My father should have treated Ivy like he treated Payton, putting her first. Instead, he protected a stranger while throwing Ivy to the wolves. Unfortunately for Payton, my father is no longer around.
Time to plan how I’m going to ruin Payton Hart.
Jaxson Price is waiting for me when I arrive.
He’s sitting at the same table he always sits at. Drinking the same drink he always drinks.
It’s almost like no time has passed.
Yet . . .
Years have passed. Things have changed.
Jax met a girl. Fell in love. Got married.
And me . . . ?
I basically got married to the mob. Now my entire life is based in the underworld.
A series of unfortunate events led me down this path.
At first, I hated the cards they dealt me.
Pun intended as it all stemmed from a terrible game of poker. But now, after all these years, I’m content.
Or at least I was content.
Sure, before that fateful day, I would have taken over a family dynasty. I would have followed in my father’s footsteps.
But then it all shattered.
Everything was a lie.
Like glass, all that was left were sharp, jagged pieces. Pieces that cut your finger to the bone if you didn’t play your hand right.
The past forced me to become the man I am today.
And now I will have to change again. Because that’s the shit I do. I fucking adapt.
That option or die.
I choose the former.
“I ordered you a scotch, neat,” Jax says.
“Rather presumptuous of you.” I move to take a seat. “It might be too strong for a Tuesday.”
“And here I was, thinking even that isn’t strong enough. Should we skip right to drinking straight rubbing alcohol?”
“With the way I’m feeling, that’s a good idea.”
Jaxson chuckles. “Spit it out. What’s going on, man? This is obviously more than Cyrus getting on your ass over his returns.”
“Cyrus’s issues seem like child’s play right now.”
Jaxson leans in, placing his elbows on the small wooden table. “What’s up?”
“It seems I have a stepsister.”