Page 169 of The Anti-Heroes Collection
Where the fuck is the ambulance?
How long has it been?
It feels like an eternity as I wait, but then I hear the familiar sirens, and I know they’re almost here.
I continue to speak to Payton.
She doesn’t answer, but I feel her pulse on her wrist. She is still alive.
Her pulse is still there.
I count its beats as I wait. Pray with each one that she’s okay.
That she doesn’t leave me.
It doesn’t take long before the paramedics are rushing over.
They start to work on her.
And the next thing I know, they are lifting her onto a stretcher, then rolling her into the ambulance.
By the time I realize what’s happening, they are gone and off to the hospital.
Now that I’m alone, her words ring back in my ears.
“You didn’t do this.”
Like a punch to my gut. It feels like a brick has been placed on my chest. She knows it wasn’t me. Despite everything I’ve done to her in the past.
She trusts me enough to know I would never hurt her.
From where I am still sitting on the ground, my gaze spots the blood.
The car was similar to mine.
I told her to meet me here.
Someone wanted her to think it was me.
But whoever it was didn’t succeed.
Payton saw through the ruse.
Because to her, I’m more than a criminal. I’m more than the rich playboy who skirts the law.
She sees past every wall I ever erected, and somehow, despite what I put her through, she sees the real me.
The man who feels heartbroken right now for every mistake I made with Payton.
It feels like I’m free-falling at the realization.
“Excuse me,” someone says from above. I look to see a campus security guard standing above me. “I’m going to need to take your statement.”
“I’m going to the hospital.” I don’t have the time for this shit, not when Payton needs me, but I know if I don’t cooperate, campus security will tell the cops, and then I won’t be able to be with Payton. “A car, black. It looked like mine . . .” I point at my car where it’s still parked. “It wasn’t the same make or model, but it certainly looked like it was. It barreled into her. Listen, that’s all I know right now. But I will find out who it was.” I reach into my pocket, grab my wallet, and then pull out a card. “Here’s what I need. I need you to send me the footage from the security cameras in the area.”
“I can’t—”