Page 165 of The Anti-Heroes Collection
I told myself not to answer. I promised myself I wouldn’t.
Yet I did.
The tone of his text threw me off.
A tiny voice I’ve been trying to shove away started whispering in my ear to find out what he wanted.
I have an angel and demon on both my shoulders when it comes to Trent Aldridge. One of them tells me to meet him. The other is adamantly against it. I don’t know which one will win, and that has me hyperalert.
Either way, this could be the biggest mistake of my life.
I don’t want to go back to the way things were. However, I do miss living at Trent’s place.
I felt safer there.
His security is state-of-the-art, and with the phone calls and creepy feeling I get of always being watched, I feel protected in his loft.
Unless it’s him, of course, which it very well could be.
If this is all his doing . . .
I shake my head.
No. That makes no sense.
I’m perplexed, that’s for sure.
Maybe he’ll give me the answers I need for peace of mind.
Or maybe he won’t.
To be honest, I expected one of his text messages to tell me that I had no choice. That I had to come home.
I’ve actually been waiting for that text message for these past two days.
Had he said I had no choice, I would’ve returned, so a part of me wishes he did.
Which should make me sick, but it doesn’t, and that thought actually does make my stomach turn.
I officially am the most confused person in the whole entire world. I can barely concentrate in class as the teacher drones on and on because all I’m thinking of is seeing him.
Will he want me to come back?
Is he bringing my stuff to me and leaving me hanging again?
Will he want to kiss me like that all over again?
Finally, the professor announces that class is over. She rambles off an assignment, and I don’t hear a thing.
Luckily for me, Heather does.
She’s been great about letting me crash on her couch. Although not ideal, for both of us, it is better than the alternative.