Page 163 of The Anti-Heroes Collection
There might not be any chains, but the monetary ones I wrapped her wrists with still cut deep. They tethered her to me. I used her hopes and dreams of financial security—of a life different from the one she was raised in—against her.
I need to speak with Payton. To tell her she is free to go. It doesn’t matter what she did to get that money. I need to call Baker. Get him to make the changes to put her in charge of the money as soon as possible.
I don’t care about any of that shit anymore.
Pacing my office, I try to think of what I will say once I find her.
Maybe she went back to school.
She could be with her friend, Heather.
Now the question is, will she let me see her, will she speak to me, or will she tell me to go fuck off?
I deserve to be told off; I can stuff it.
Hearing my sister’s disapproval, the way that she compared me to my father, I know she is right, deep in my bones.
There is only one thing left for me to do.
I pick up the phone and try to dial her cell phone number, but it goes straight to voicemail. Ever since my talk with Jaxson, I lost my okay to look her up and see where she is, but I am certain she’s at school. I still remember her schedule from before.
I try her phone again and again; it goes straight to voicemail.
This time, I decide to text.
Me: I want to talk. I know you’re getting my texts. Please, Payton. I’m begging you, respond.
I’m surprised when the phone chimes right away.
Payton: And you haven’t figured out I don’t care what you want.
Me: Please.
She doesn’t answer.
Although I can see that she read it.
Me: We need to talk. Can you come back home?
Fuck. I’m calling it home like it’s a place she belongs. As much as I want that, she won’t. She will want to be free from me.
Payton: No.
Me: It won’t take long.
Again, she doesn’t answer right away, and I’m sure she is going to tell me no.
I could use my power over her money to make her.
But I don’t.
Blackmailing her into meeting me would defeat the whole purpose of the conversation.
Payton: Why?
Me: I owe you an apology.
I don’t mention what for, but it’s pretty obvious.