Page 143 of The Anti-Heroes Collection
“Oh, do tell then . . . What cartoon-level genius plan do you have? Please, I’m dying to know.” His voice drips with sarcasm.
“Well, for one, Christina took a vacation—”
“Jesus, Trent, please do not tell me you moved her into your house to clean for you. Please don’t say you are hoarding her money because you want a maid.”
“Fine. I won’t.”
Doesn’t make it any less true.
“Are you fucking her?”
But I want to.
“So, you aren’t trying to live some hot maid fantasy, right?”
“Um, no.”
But now that you mention it . . .
“Even worse,” he says, and he sounds appalled, which is rich coming from the guy with absolutely no sense of privacy. “If this is some creepy fantasy of banging your maid, at least I would understand. As long as she is willing.”
“Of course, she would be willing. And I would fucking ask first. But that’s not the point. I don’t want to bang her.”
“Yeah. Okay,” Jax says as if he has a direct line to the bullshit in my mind. “Then why else is she there?”
“I want to get to know her.”
“Go on. Because I’m not buying any of this shit. Real reason, please.”
“I want to make her life hell for what she’s done. Plus, if I keep her close, I can see if she has any skeletons in her closet that I can—”
“I haven’t even asked you for anything.”
“Trent,” he says, and it’s in that bitch, please tone. “I have known you my whole fucking life. I know what you will ask me. And the answer is no. No fucking way.”
“Dude. You fucking do shady shit all the time,” I say.
“Yes, Trent, I do. To awful men. Not to innocent girls who just happened to piss you off because you have daddy issues.”
“I don’t have daddy issues.” I scoff.
“Yeah. You keep telling yourself that. You’re acting like a little whiny-ass bitch. Get your head out of your ass and drop this shit. Give the poor girl her pocket money, and leave her alone.”
“Twenty-two million is not pocket money.”
“You’re right. It’s pocket change,” he corrects.
“Does that mean you won’t help me?”
“Of course, it means I won’t help you!” he exclaims in irritation.
Over my stupidity, probably.