Page 107 of The Anti-Heroes Collection
She knew what Ronald tried to do to Ivy.
She knew what a monster he really was.
Trent is right.
It is blood money.
I’ll give my sister her share and keep a little for me to use to leave. Then I’ll get as far away from all of this as I can.
There is nothing salvageable here.
My mind is all over the place when I head back to the loft. It feels like everything inside me is twisted up. I can’t think straight. Sometimes seeing Erin will do that to me. Talking to her brings me back to the past. Especially today after what she said.
I don’t need her to remind me what my life could have been like had she not been there.
Those thoughts live in my brain whenever I’m alone at night and allow my thoughts to wander.
Normally, I would hit the gym at Ludlow. A good forty-five-minute run does wonders to clear the cobwebs of the past from my mind.
That’s what I’m missing.
The release of endorphins. Those bad boys will get my brain in the right place in no time.
As I’m about to enter the loft I notice that across the street there’s a truck. I halt my steps, my eyes narrowing to look at it.
It’s just sitting there. Across the street. But that’s not the part that has my back going straight, it’s the person in the driver seat.
He’s staring at me. Not moving. Just looking at me.
I can’t see who it is, he’s wearing a baseball hat and sunglasses. That’s the thing that bothers me, it’s not sunny out.
I’m still staring as the door behind me opens. I jump at the movement, turning my body to see Gail.
“Are you okay?” she asks.
“It’s just the truck across the street.”
“What truck?” she asks, confusion evident in her voice.
“The one over there.” I turn to point at the truck, but it’s gone. “That’s so strange—I swear . . .” I shake my head. “Forget it, it was nothing.” Not wanting to make a bigger fool out of myself. Obviously, it was nothing and I’m being dramatic. No reason for Gail to know I’m being paranoid. That’s all I would need, Gail telling Trent. I would never hear the end of it.
I enter the loft, and then I head straight for my room and change into my workout clothes. Then I’m off in search of Trent.
He might have something he expects me to do. So, before I leave again to run, I need to let him know where I’m going.
After I come up empty-handed in the main level, I head to his gym.
That’s an option.
Would Trent mind if I used it?
Probably, but it’s not enough to stop me.
As I turn the corner, my feet stop, and my mouth drops open. My brain stutters for a moment at what I am seeing.
Better yet—who.
It’s him.