Page 71 of Irresistible Love
Really good.
It was Tuesday, and she was getting ready to leave the studio when Kiki asked her to join her in her office. With her duffle bag hefted over her shoulder and a bottle of water in her hand, she went upstairs and found her mentor sitting at her desk.
“Hey, Lily! All done for the day?”
She nodded. “I am! And I cannot thank you enough for all the time you’ve given me. I feel like I’m mentally in a better headspace because I’ve been able to dance again.”
“I was watching you earlier and you really look great. I can’t see any signs of an injury.”
Sitting down in one of the chairs, she nodded. “I’ve been carefully avoiding the motions that I know anger it. I’m hoping if I can keep doing that while still dancing, I can have my cake and eat it too.” She laughed as she shook her head. “You know that old saying, ‘Doctor, doctor! It hurts when I do this!’ And he tells you to stop doing it? That’s what I’m doing. Or…trying to do.”
Kiki leaned back in her seat and studied her for a moment. “There’s a part of me that completely understands where you’re coming from, but the teacher in me is going to warn you that you’re on a very slippery slope. You’re going to get cocky and keep pushing your limits and end up doing some serious damage,” she gently admonished. “Promise me you’re going to be smart about this.”
“I am being smart. I promise. This has been great therapy for me. It’s showing me that if I have the surgery and have to modify my choreography at all, I can do it and be okay with it.” She smiled. “I’m good, Kiki. I learned from the best.”
Smiling back, Kiki nodded. “Well, I wanted to put something out there to you.”
“What you did last week for Jasmine was amazing,” she began. “And I heard from Zoey that you’ve helped a few other students out since then.”
It was true, and she found herself hanging back after her studio time and observing the students to see if there was anyone who needed a little encouragement. So far, it happened almost daily and it was a little boost to her good mood to help.
“I have,” she said cautiously. “I hope that’s okay. I’m really not trying to step on anyone’s toes…” Then she laughed. “Sorry.”
Luckily, Kiki laughed with her. “No, it was a good analogy. But what I wanted to say is…well…I’d love to offer you a position here if you wanted one. You could teach a class or just offer private lessons so you can work one-on-one with dancers…whatever you wanted. You have a gift and I know you’re at a bit of a crossroads here, but I thought I should at least put it out there for you to think about.”
“Oh, wow…Kiki…” Pausing, she let out a soft breath. “I’m not sure I’m ready for that sort of thing. My boyfriend and I were talking about it the other night and…no offense…I see myself doing that down the road. There’s so much I still want to do before I…”
“Before you call it a day and can’t dance professionally anymore?” Kiki finished, one dark brow arching at her.
“It’s okay, Lily. I think we’ve all felt that way at one time or another, but let me just say this and then I promise not to bring it up again.” She sat up straighter. “You never know when it’s going to be your last big dance. Anything can happen—things that are out of your control, like what happened to you in Miami. I don’t look at owning this studio and teaching as a second choice or a consolation prize. I love teaching! I love inspiring others to dance!” Another pause. “We all have to walk our own path and I hope you’re walking yours with a mature outlook and not with immaturity and cockiness because you think you have something to prove.”
Lily’s heart was hammering hard and all she could do was nod.
Kiki looked at her watch as she stood. “I’ve got a class starting in a few minutes and need to get set up. Will you be here tomorrow?”
Getting to her feet, she shook her head. “My folks are finally getting back from their vacation and I want to be there when they get home, so…”
Walking closer, Kiki hugged her. “You’re welcome here anytime, Lily.” And when she pulled back, she was smiling. “I’m proud of you and can’t wait to hear what big thing you’re taking on next.”
“Thanks, Kiki.” And as she watched her leave, Lily started to question what that next big thing might be, but quickly pushed it aside. Tonight, she and Noah were having a low-key, romantic dinner at her place—probably their last one at the guesthouse, which kind of bummed her out.
Leaving the studio, it was the first time she didn’t stop to interact with any of the kids. Apparently, by doing that, she was leading everyone to believe she wanted to teach. And again, that was her plan down the line, just not right now.
Why does that make me sound so awful?
Driving home, she pushed all thoughts of dance aside and focused on the night ahead. She was ordering dinner from their favorite Italian place and she’d picked out a great bottle of wine from her grandfather’s wine cellar. Before she’d left for the studio, Lily picked out a pretty dress that she wanted to wear and even bought some sexy underwear to go with it. Just thinking about it made her sigh happily because this was all new and exciting and she was genuinely enjoying herself.
Noah was so different from any guy she had ever dated. From the time she was allowed to date, she had gone for the bad boys. And in middle school, those were the rebels who had no idea what they were rebelling against, and she just stuck with that type since.
Until Noah.
She loved having some deep, intelligent conversations with him. She loved how utterly adorable he looked whenever she challenged him to do something out of his comfort zone. She loved laughing with him when they were half asleep and one of them said something completely goofy.