Page 55 of Irresistible Love
It took her a solid minute to figure out who he was talking about, and then her eyes went wide. “Oh myGod! Are you talking about hairless Harry? The guy who went bald in like the eleventh grade and wears golf pants and glasses?”
“What are golf glasses?”
Groaning, she shook her head. “No, the pants were plaid like golfer’s pants and he wore regular glasses. You can’t possibly think I ever had a crush on him!”
“And why not?” he demanded. “He’s a perfectly nice young man and he’s a hard worker! He’s a junior assistant in our payroll department!”
“Grandpa, you’re being ridiculous. I haven’t seen Harry and I haven’t been looking for him either.Sheesh!What in the world?” she asked with a laugh. Lily shook her head before adding, “Sometimes I wonder how your mind works with this matchmaking thing. You can’t possibly think I’d want to go out with someone like Harry!”
“Honestly, I’d rather see you with someone like Harry than someone named Axl,” he said with a haughty snort. “There are plenty of eligible young people working at Montgomerys. You just say the word and I’ll gladly set you up with one of them.”
“They’d be nice and respectful,” he went on. “And I already know they’re hardworking and would take very good care of you.”
“No thank you,” she said sweetly, before taking a sip of her coffee.
“What about Noah Wylder?” he asked, nearly causing her to choke. She coughed wildly, and William reached over and patted her on the back. “My goodness! Are you okay?”
Nodding was all she could handle because it took a minute for the coughing fit to calm down.
“All I’m saying is Noah is an impressive young man. And I would think after all the trouble you caused back in Asheville that you’d be eager to go out on a date with him.”
Luckily, she wasn’t drinking anything because she certainly would have choked again. “Excuse me? All the trouble I caused?” Then she realized that was definitely accurate and simply asked, “Why would that make me eager to go out with him?”
“Well…you kissed him!” William exclaimed. “And not just a peck on the cheek, but a full-blown passionate kiss!” He laughed softly. “Now I realize I’m a lot older than you and I don’t quite understand your generation, but I’d like to think that you don’t just randomly grab people you find repulsive and kiss them like that!”
“Okay, I never said that Noahrepulsedme,” she corrected. “I said I wasn’t into corporate guys.” With a shrug, she continued. “Noah was a good-looking guy and I was surrounded by family. It would have been super weird if I kissed one of my cousins like that at midnight, don’t you think? Noah was just the only option.”
It was only partially true.
Back then, she had been wildly attracted to him, but was desperately trying to pretend she wasn’t. The kiss had been impulsive, but she never really regretted it.
His eyes narrowed slightly. “So, there are no lingering feelings?”
She shrugged. “Like I said, it was just a matter of proximity. No big deal.”
“And when you saw him again? You weren’t inclined to maybe get to know him now that you’re back home?”
Ugh…why is he interrogating me like this?
Oh, that’s right. Because he’s diabolical.
“Sorry. I guess you’ll have to work on fixing my sisters up with these nice young executives when they’re home for spring break.”
“All in good time,” he said as he slowly got to his feet. “I think Becca and Noah would get along very well. Now there’s a girl who definitely comes in and flirts! Your father had to ban her from coming to the office last summer because she was distracting some of our interns.”
“Becca flirted with Noah?” she said with just a little too much heat. Lily knew the instant her grandfather caught that as well because his grin was slow and smug.
“Are you sure you want to stick to your story of not being interested in Noah?”
But she wasn’t ready to admit anything to him yet. Hell, she and Noah hadn’t talked about what exactly they were doing, and she didn’t want to be the one to out them to her grandfather.
“I hate to disappoint you, but I’m not playing this game with you,” she said coyly. “So, what are your plans for today? Anything exciting?”
Fortunately, the change of subject worked. “Robert took the first flight of the day back to New York for the weekend, so I’m on my own until he comes back on Monday.”
“Oh, wow. I didn’t know he was going to do that. Is there anything you need? Would you like to do something together today?”