Page 22 of Irresistible Love
“Oh, right. Duh,” she said with a nervous laugh. “I’m going to bring it up to him tonight. Although I'm not sure I’ll believe anything he says right away, but I’m going to try to give him the benefit of the doubt.”
He nodded. “Good for you.” This time he paused because Lily’s eyes had gone wide. “What’s the matter?”
“That’s her,” she whispered, nodding to a woman walking toward them. “That’s the woman he was with. Do you recognize her? Does she work for Montgomerys? Is she a client?”
This time he shook his head. “I don’t recognize her, but that doesn’t mean anything. It’s not like I’m familiar with everyone who does business with us.”
“Damn. I was hoping you would have known who she was, so I wouldn’t have to say anything to him.” Her shoulders sagged. “I really hope he isn’t doing anything icky.”
That made him chuckle. “Icky?”
“Yeah, icky. It totally wouldn’t be cool if he were cheating on my grandmother. And look at her! She’s definitely younger than him!” She groaned. “This is the worst!”
“Okay, you’re freaking out again and you really shouldn’t,” he reasoned. “You don’t know who she is and why he was out with her. You need to stay positive and not assume the worst. There could be a very logical explanation for all of this.”
The look she gave him said she didn’t believe him even a little bit.
“Fine. Think the worst, but I really need to go.” Not that anyone was watching the clock on him or anything, but he had a full schedule this afternoon. “Take care of yourself and try not to let your imagination run wild.”
“Pfft. Easier said than done,” she muttered.
“Lily…” he said with exasperation.
“Okay, okay, okay!” she huffed. “I won’t attack him when he gets home, but just know that if I’m right, you are not allowed to tell me not to freak out ever again. Understood?”
He nodded.
“Good. Okay, um…thanks again for lunch and I guess I’ll see you around.”
Another nod. “Take care.” They waved to each other and Noah stood there and watched her walk away until she was out of sight.
Then he nearly sagged to the ground, partially with relief and partially out of disgust for himself.
He’d kissed her. After all the talks he’d given himself this week after the whole after-shower thing in the guesthouse, he went and did it anyway. Part of him reasoned that it was bound to happen, but that didn’t mean it should have happened so soon. Did he have no self-control at all?
Where Lily’s concerned? Apparently not.
Raking a hand through his hair, he took a minute to clear his mind a bit before heading into the building. On the elevator, he went through his afternoon schedule in his mind and got himself firmly back into business mode, and by the time he was sitting behind his desk, all thoughts of lunch and Lily were forgotten.
The afternoon flew by and he stayed a little later than usual to finish a few things. When he shut his computer down and made his way back to the elevator, almost everyone was gone. His plan was to go home and go to the gym and get some time in on the treadmill before making himself some dinner and giving his brother Jax a call. Football season was over and the two of them had talked about getting together at some point. Right now, Noah needed the distraction because as soon as work was over, his mind immediately went back to Lily.
Kissing Lily.
Getting Lily alone and doing more than just rubbing his hands along her back.
“Yeah, definitely need to work out and see how soon I can get Jax here,” he murmured as he walked to his car.
When his phone rang before he could pull out of the parking garage, he couldn’t help but grin. Swiping the screen, he said, “Dude, do you have some sort of psychic abilities?”
“Um…what?” his brother said with a laugh.
“I was just thinking about how I was going to call you after I went to the gym. We talked about you coming for a visit and I wanted to see what your schedule was like since the season’s officially over.”
Jax groaned. “Don’t remind me. I really thought we were going to go all the way this year.”
“It was close,” Noah reminded him. “And you had an awesome season. You should be proud of yourself.”
“I don’t know. It was okay, I guess…”