Page 15 of Irresistible Love
Lucas and Emma lived in the opposite direction of William’s house, but the traffic wasn’t nearly as congested. When he pulled up their driveway and saw all the construction trucks and crews, he couldn’t believe anyone would do this sort of extensive work while out of the country.
“I would definitely want to oversee this sort of thing myself, but…that’s just me.”
Control freak…
Okay, maybe.
He parked and popped the hatch on his SUV and went in search of Lily. There were still easily over a dozen people working, and he didn’t have the slightest idea where to even begin to find her.
Luckily, she found him.
Jogging over to him in a pair of black leggings, a baggy pink sweatshirt, and her long hair in a ponytail, she looked like a young girl. But the closer she got, it was obvious this was no girl he was dealing with. Lily was a woman.
An incredibly attractive woman.
“Hey!” she said cheerily. “What are you doing here?”
“Um…your grandfather asked me to come and help move some boxes with you.” He frowned. “Didn’t he tell you?”
Shaking her head, she replied, “Nope! Just said he knew someone to ask.” She paused and looked him up and down. “Although I would have thought you’d change clothes. You don’t want to get your suit all dirty, do you?”
The frown deepened. “It’s not a suit, and it’s fine. These boxes haven’t been tossed in the mud, have they?”
She laughed and it was kind of a great sound. “Thankfully, they have not. I just thought you’d be more comfortable in jeans and sneakers. But if you’re good…”
“I am,” he said confidently, even as he mentally kicked himself for not thinking of stopping home to change first. He didn’t even carry a gym bag with him because there was a gym in his condo complex, so there was no need for it to ever go in his car.
Lily waved and chatted briefly with everyone they passed before leading him into the garage. There was an obscene amount of boxes in there, and he simply stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of them.
“Um…these aren’t all yours, are they?”
She laughed again. “Holy crap, no!” More laughing. “Most of this is from inside the house. That stack to your right is mine.” She paused before adding, “Actually, both those stacks are mine, but the one closest to you is the one we’re taking to the guesthouse. The rest can stay here until the house is livable again.”
There were about eight boxes, but they were all on the larger side. “Okay. I think we’ll be able to fit most of them in my car with all the seats down. What kind of car do you drive?”
“It’s the blue Toyota sedan over there.” She pointed to a very sporty, very new-looking car and he wasn’t the least bit surprised.
“It looks brand new.”
“It is. I bought it when I got to Miami six months ago. It’s a great car and it drives beautifully, but…it’s not very big.”
All he did was nod before walking farther into the garage and snagging the hand truck that was tucked away in the corner. “Let’s start with the three smallest ones and see if we can get them to fit in yours.”
“Sounds good!”
It took them an hour to get everything loaded. Only two of the boxes fit in her car safely, and the rest went in his, along with the hand truck. It was cramped and he couldn’t see out his rear window, but at least they were going to get this done in one trip.
“I’ll meet you at the guesthouse,” he said to Lily as he climbed into his car. Naturally, she pretty much sped out of the driveway, but he drove at a slower pace since he couldn’t really see like he was supposed to. It took him almost thirty minutes to get there and she was pacing in the driveway as he pulled in.
“Jeez, I thought you got lost!” She said it lightly, so Noah didn’t take offense. “I called my grandfather and let him know you were here and he’s calling in the dinner order now. I hope pizza is okay for you.”
He nodded and walked around the back of his car and carefully slid the hand truck out. “It is. I actually gave him my order before leaving the office.”
“Okay. Cool. Let’s do this!”
After some discussion, it was decided that Noah would do all the lifting and moving while she directed where she wanted everything. It wasn’t a bad method, but now he was regretting not having a spare change of clothes because he was sweaty. Maybe he could take his pizza to go and no one would question it.
Once everything was inside, he accepted the bottle of water Lily handed him. “I seriously can’t thank you enough. This whole situation has been way more chaotic than I planned, and I really appreciate you taking the time to help me.”