Page 39 of Sweet Summer Secrets
I knew that myself better than I’d like to admit with the alpha whose shoulder I still held onto while he processed through his feelings. I still didn’t know what to make of mine when it came to him, but right now, my focus was on my omega.
“I’m not quite sure what to say, little ray,” Miller said, shaking his head. “I’m honored, but I definitely wasn’t expecting this.”
“I was,” Miles said, his words drawing Summer’s attention even as his cheeks pinked slightly. “From all the stories Cole had told us the past few years, I’d felt like I’d already known you. And then, the moment we met after you’d just chased Theo, I knew it had all been for a reason. That life has led you back to Cole and now us too.”
Summer’s eyes grew glassy and I sent a wave of love and reassurance down our bond. Something that was much easier to do now that we’d gotten even closer. I wanted to claim her all over again. She was already mine, but I wanted us to choose each other once more, starting our new chapter fresh without the baggage and misunderstandings of the past.
“I’m glad I came back,” she said, her determination coming through as she looked toward me. “I definitely wasn’t expecting all of this, though.”
“We’ll figure it out, Sunshine,” Bash promised, snuggling closer to her and Dean as he still gripped her hand.
Dean still had yet to say anything, but from the way his nose was still buried in Summer’s neck, and the way she was subtly shifting on his lap even with his arms around her, there was no mistaking his feelings.
I wasn’t sure how he was going to take his dad being with Summer as well, but they’d always had a pretty open and interesting relationship. Getting pregnant at sixteen and then having to raise a son on your own shortly after will just about do that to anyone.
Theo came sprinting in from his movie then, making a beeline for Summer as he asked for more to drink. It was late, but I made note of how she told him he could have half a cup of water more and how Miles stepped in and went to retrieve it so she didn’t have to move.
Already we were working to take care of our omega and our son.
I took the moment of distraction while Theo was getting resettled to pull Miller in the rest of the way for a hug, the alpha grabbing me just as fiercely, pulling me to him.
“She’s your omega.”
“She is,” I agreed wholeheartedly. “But she’s not just mine. We always knew we wanted a pack, M. I didn’t realize it then, but there was a reason I stayed when you all took me in, and I can’t help but think this is just another layer to that.”
“But she’s so young and I’m–”
“Handsome, successful, and one of the best men I know.” I told him. “Sometimes, when you meet the right person, the little things don’t matter, like age. Sometimes you just click.”
His warm breath on my neck made my heart skip a beat, but I wasn’t ready to acknowledge that my words for him were more than in regard to just Summer.
Miller stepped back and met my eyes, his full of emotion. The poor alpha couldn't make sense of the situation, it seemed.
"How?" he breathed, quiet and low so only I could hear. This was a rare moment of vulnerability, and I clasped my hand on his shoulder, pulling us closer once again to keep the conversation private.
"Fate gave you a second chance. You've raised your son to be an amazing alpha, you've got a huge, booming business, and now you have a full pack. It's happening because you deserve to be happy too, Miller," I said.
He let out a small, amused huff. "I thought I was happy."
"There's different levels of happy," I mused. "I say you take a long look at that sweet, sexy omega who wants you just as badly as you want her. Maybe take a chance and stop overthinking?"
Miller glanced over at Summer, who was now whispering quietly with Dean. Her cheeks were flushed red, and she let out a nervous giggle. She was overwhelmed but happy. I could feel her relief through our bond.
"He's my son," Miller said with a wince, his voice louder than before. "He'll never be okay with this."
"Why don't you ask me instead of assuming?" Dean challenged, looking over Summer's head. "We may need to have a few boundaries, but I have no issues with this. I'm happy you found someone too. It's been too long."
Miller blinked rapidly a few times as he mulled it over. After what felt like forever, he finally nodded once. Summer turned around, giving him a worried look. That right there was all it took for him to move forward. He dropped to his knees beside her and shifted her so she was now facing away from Dean and Bash. She blinked down at our silver-haired alpha.
"Look, Miller. I don't want you to think you have to do this. There's no obligation," she said quickly, the words a rambling rush as she tried to not feel the sharp sting of rejection. I felt it anyway. This bond would take some getting used to again. I rubbed at the ache in my chest that wasn't my own and tried to send a wave of calm back.
Her blue eyes flickered to me briefly and she gave me a quick smile, before turning back.
"That's not it," he admitted quietly. "I just didn't think I'd ever have an omega again. These men are my pack, but I thought I was just going to be a protector for them."
"Life is never easy to predict," Bash said. "Look at the connection you and Cole have."
It was the most anyone had acknowledged the simmering heat between us. Summer's eyes widened, then went dark with lust. Clearly, she was on board with that idea.