Page 21 of The Tribute of Hell
“Clio!” Smokey moaned, grabbing my arm.
I shook him off violently.
“He has Louisa Mae. Nothing is more important,” I returned. “Let my daughter go, and I’ll come with you.”
“Clio,” Wraith growled as he moved closer.
Lousia let out a choking noise as the guy’s hand tightened on her throat.
Wraith paused.
“I’m here,” I whispered, approaching the man. As soon as I was within arm’s length, he grabbed me and held a gun to my head. He dropped Louisa Mae, who sobbed loudly now. His other hand snuck around my neck, circling it in a chokehold.
“Run!” I screamed at her, and her little chubby legs took off.
Wraith snatched her up moments later and turned away, shielding her body.
Smokey kept moving as the guy dragged me backwards.
“Let her go, man,” Smokey warned. “We ain’t gonna let you leave here with her.”
“You know what she is? Why are you so determined to protect her? She’s nothing more than a whore, starring in films. Well, I was one of the highest bidders on her, and I want my money’s worth.”
Even though my body kept moving as he dragged me away, my mind froze.
A whore, highest bidder, surely not.
“Are you talking about that movie where I was abused?” I muttered.
“Fuck off. You’re bullshitting. You got paid to star in that film; it just wasn’t the ending you wanted. Well, I bid on you, bitch, and I do not like throwing money away. Maybe next time, check the rule book before doing anything like that.”
“I was kidnapped and nearly raped. I was sexually abused. How the hell did you escape the people we brought down?” I screeched.
“Because you’re buffoons. I don’t give a fuck, I just want what I paid for,” he snarled as he kept dragging me backwards. We were nearing the exit of the park, and in the distance, I heard bike pipes.
But they wouldn’t arrive in time.
Sickness welled in my stomach. What this asshole was referring to was when I was kidnapped, tied to a bed, sexually abused, and nearly raped. If not for Chance, I’d have also been in a snuff film as the starring role. Chance had taken revenge for me and dealt with those involved. He’d contacted allies to track down those who’d paid to watch my terror and shame.
It had been my worst nightmare that somebody may have escaped the roundup. I’d been approached in a shop once and offered money to accompany someone. Tiny had nearly pulverised the guy, and the perpetrator had been arrested. But that one experience had caused a lingering fear it might happen again.
It hadn’t, and Chance and Hellfire had gone out of their way to wipe this from the internet. But there was that little part of me that said someone out there had seen it.
And now it was being proved correct. This asshole had not only seen it, but he’d been one of the bidders on me. From what I understood, the highest bidder would be given a private link and would have been able to type instructions on how I was to die. The rape would have been broadcast widely, but not my death. And this dirty bastard holding me hostage was a sick and evil man.
“I hope you lost a fortune in the bidding,” I snarled as I sought a way to free myself.
In the distance, I saw Slaughter heading my way, and Smokey kept pace with us. Slaughter was armed, but I wasn’t sure about Smokey, but I knew he had hammer fists.
Several of the brothers who’d got in the ring with him had come back battered and moaning about his punches. It tickled me because they still got in the ring with him. He had a look on his face now that would have made me run a mile, but this asshole clearly thought he was better than us.
“Shut your mouth, bitch. You’re always fucking surrounded; it’s been murder getting close to you. You must have one golden pussy. Do you put out to all of them? Do you know which is the father of your kid?” the man spat.
“I’m married to the guy who’s gonna tear you apart limb by limb. He rescued me, and trust me, you ain’t going to be breathing for long. First, you stalked me, then tried to kidnap his daughter, and now you’re trying to kidnap me. Chance is going to gut you with a blunt knife and shred you,” I cried.
Even as Smokey stalked me, the guy dragged me through the gates. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the car he’d been driving. He was not gonna get me inside that. Once he did, he had the upper hand. The nozzle of the gun he held dug into my head as Smokey barrelled through the gates.
Smokey looked around before yanking a firearm from his own belt.