Page 1 of The Tribute of Hell
“Diesel!” I shouted in the middle of the clubhouse. I’d been searching everywhere for the man and after half an hour had given up and decided to bellow. Diesel was avoiding me out of guilt, and I was determined not to let him suffer.
Around me, people stopped moving as I yelled again.
“Diesel’s not here?” Levi ventured, defending his best friend.
I sent Levi a derisive look, and he shut up.
“I know Diesel’s here because I’ve been chasing his ass all over. Plus, Alice is sitting right there. Think he’d leave Alice?” I answered and gathered my breath to yell again.
“What?” Diesel demanded, appearing from behind the bar. His handsome face was set into a scowl, and I noticed he appeared ready to defend himself.
Shit, had I made this wonderful man feel so bad he hid to escape me? Yes, I clearly had. Time to fix that.
“I have a job for you,” I announced, and puzzlement wafted off of Diesel.
“Get a prospect?” he ventured with a stare at Chance and Alice.
Chance watched me cautiously out of the corner of my eye.
“Nope. I want you. You owe me!” I said the words and waited for the reaction I expected.
Diesel flinched.
Alice straightened.
And Chance began getting to his feet, a thunderous glare on his face.
“Yeah, I do,” Diesel admitted. Guilt soaked through his tone, alongside sheer misery. That decision Diesel had made concerning me—that day—still hadn’t been laid to rest.
“Damn right, you do! Making my fat ass chase you all over the clubhouse for half an hour! Do you know what it took to get my butt this plump? Chance gets grumpy when I lose weight, and there you are, hiding and making me work. So, when Chance grabs a handful, and it’s less than expected, it is you he’s going to blame!”
Confusion wafted towards me, but I felt everyone had been ready to defend Diesel.
“So you owe me twice. Once for chasing you all over this damn place and twice for losing my ass plumpness. And I have a job uniquely suited to you,” I said, sidling closer.
“Yeah?” Diesel asked, and I saw curiosity in his eyes.
“Alice says you manscape,” I stated, placing a hand on his chest.
Diesel’s head shot up, and he scowled at Alice. “And?”
“Well, I’m organising a charity event. To raise money for the Trusts and their counselling services. And we’re going to have a huge Thanksgiving dinner after, but I need someone to lead the way,” I explained and made big eyes at Diesel.
“To do what?” he asked carefully.
“To wax your legs! Alice said, yours are nice and hairy. If you sign up first, then everyone else is a pussy. So I require a brave man!”
“Ain’t waxing nothing!” Diesel spluttered.
“Now I believed you had balls. Hey, if you won’t wax your legs, what about your nuts?” I folded my arms and glowered.
Diesel made a squeaking noise and shook his head.
“Fine, wax them, but leave my balls alone!” Diesel exclaimed, face paling. At what I was sure was the image of his crown jewels being waxed.