Page 19 of The Bratva's Virgin
What if they couldn’t contact my father? Or worse, what if he chose money over me? I wouldn’t put it past him. But that would mean staying stuck withhim.
I needed a solid exit from this terrible nightmare, and had to find it, now! I turned around and marched inside, determination fueling my veins. Even if I successfully got to the ground floor, I wouldn’t make it an inch past his men.
There had to be another way.
My eyes fell on the bathroom door, and I rushed to it. The lavender-scented candles on the gleaming black and gray vanity caught my attention. It smelled nice and the bathroom had ultramodern designs. Not what I would have expected from him. Taste or an eye for decorative details. Perhaps his girlfriend had a hand in it.
Shaking my head, I tiptoed to the window and stuck my face out. Same view—dark sky, twinkling stars, and lit gravel pathways.Except...
I bent my head to the sides, craning left and right to be sure. All clear. No guards.Satisfied, I pulled my head in and grabbed the sill. This was the perfect escape. It didn’t matter that I wore no shoes or had not figured out how I would wiggle my way through the window.
Do it.
Don’t do it.
My teeth dug into my lower lip, so deep, the warm metallic taste of blood hit my tongue. Indecision seeped in like a plague and yet the desire to live fought its way through.
My heart jackhammered with crazy speed against my ribs. Blood rushed to my ears. This was an impulsive and terrible,terribleidea. If I made one wrong move, I could fall and get my bones crushed.
But it was the only chance I had. And I was taking it.
I bunched up the ankle-length skin-tight dress above my knees and tied it into a huge knot. Then, I sucked in a deep breath and exhaled.
One. Two. Three.
Summoning all my inner strength, I kicked one leg out first. The other followed and, in a few minutes, the lower half of my body hung outside a window. My legs dangled in the cool evening breeze. I gasped.
One wrong move and my life could be over.
Hot tears stung the back of my eyes and my fingers tightened on the sill. I needed to be strong. Heaving, I wiggled my toes and felt around blindly for a window ledge.
“Come on, come on...” I closed my eyes and a tear rolled down my cheek. Seconds passed before my toe collided with asolid platform on the far right. I pressed my feet down to confirm that it was stable.
A sigh I didn’t know I was holding left my lips.
After a while of maneuvering, my bare feet hit the grass. I tilted my head back and glanced up. I made it. A soft victorious laugh bubbled at the back of my throat. “Oh my God...” I muttered in utter disbelief. I’d escaped!
Though my journey was not complete, I’d made it past the first phase. Now, all I needed to do was figure out how to get past the gates without being spotted. I was sure that once I made it to the road, I’d be able to find my way back home.
I dropped my head, ready to make a run for the hills, turned around, and ran face-first into a wall.
I lost my footing and wobbled backward. An arm slid around my waist to steady me and pulled me closer. With brows knitted together, I eyeballed the smooth, slightly muscular arm around my waist and raised my head.
I gulped.Flames.
The wall was wearing a plain T-shirt and sweatpants. It looked almost normal and smelled deliciously human, like expensive cologne and manly,too manly, with nice warm skin. But what made me untangle myself from his loose grip and take a step backward were his eyes.
He had very,veryangry dark green eyes, like a bloodthirsty tiger.
Searing tears spilled on my cheeks. The sound of the lamp crashing against the wall flashed back. I lifted my hands midair and clasped them. I didn’t want to die.
“I warned you.” The timbre of his voice was deep and dark.
“I promise you, one more plea from that mouth of yours will get you into more trouble than you’re already in.”