Page 70 of Silver Spoon MC Collection: Nichole's Crew
"I don't want you worrying yourself, thinking you won't fit in because you aren't a millionaire or didn't come from money or don't own a company or haven't figured out exactly what your life is going to look like fifteen years from now," I murmur, gently tugging a loose curl as we reach the top of the stairs. "We're all still figuring shit out. We all want different things and we're all on our own paths to reach them. My brothers and I are just lucky enough to travel alongside one another along the way."
She stops walking and tips her head to the side, looking at me with wide eyes. "You're pretty smart, Andreas Romano."
"Yeah?" I grin at her.
"I mean, I'm pretty sure you're full of it, but you sure look pretty saying it," she says, and then squeals with laughter and dodges away from me when I try to get my hands on her. "I was just kidding!"
"You were not, you little liar."
"You're right. I wasn't. You did look pretty saying it," she says, laughing up at me with greenest eyes and the brightest smile I've ever seen.
I stop chasing after her. I stop moving altogether and just fucking…stare, completely transfixed by her. My heart rolls over, tumbling out of my chest directly into her delicate little hands. When it does, I realize something so blatantly obvious I don't know how I missed it at all.
The last week of my life has been the best week of my life, hands down.
"And I'm caught up in an avalanche but I'm still going nowhere fast, trying to get to you," Catriona belts out, her beautiful voice ringing through the Lexus Lounge.
"Holy shit," Bender says, staring in shock at her from across the table. "Your girl has pipes, brother."
Fuck yeah, she does. Jesus. Her voice is incredible.
"I didn't know she could sing like that," I murmur, watching her as she fumbles the lyrics and laughs it off with his drummer before launching into the chorus. Everyone at the table is watching her and smiling. She's so fucking happy, so beautiful. She lights up the entire room.
"Let me bring her on stage," Bender says.
I quickly shake my head, earning a scowl from him.
"Don't be a jealous asshole," he says, his voice soft so it doesn't carry. "With a voice like that, she could go far, man. Don't be the dick who holds her back because you don't want to share her."
I don't want to share her, this is true. But I'd rent out entire stadiums and pack them with people if she wanted to sing in front of crowds. I'll support her no matter what path she chooses in life. I don't think that is what she wants for her life though. More than anything, Catriona craves affection and stability and the freedom to make her choices.
"You know me better than that," I mutter and then quickly fill him in on the situation. Since he's been on tour, he's only gotten bits and pieces of what's been going on at home. Aside from sneaking home for Cash's wedding, this is his first time back in the state in a while. He probably won't make it back home until Thanksgiving next month. He's out of the loop. Especially on more recent developments.
"Damn," he breathes once I've given him the highlights. He shakes his head, glancing at Catriona. "Her brother sounds like a fucking asshole."
I grunt my agreement.
"What do you need?" Bender asks.
"This right here." I nod my head in her direction. Two days ago, her world crumbled around her. This morning, it crumbled again. But tonight, she's laughing. She's happy. She needed a night of normalcy, one where she didn't have to worry about her brother or the Vipers or think about what happens next. For tonight, she just needed five minutes to breathe. And I needed it for her.
"The rest of the MC met her yet?" Bender asks, his expression softening as he watches her. He can be an arrogant asshole. It comes with the territory when the whole world is screaming your name every night. But he's got his head on straight and never let fame change him. It never turned him cynical or hardened his heart.
"Not yet. I'm introducing everyone slowly to give her time to adjust."
"Good idea," he says, spearing a piece of steak with his fork. "It'll make it far easier for me to steal her from you if there's less competition from those assholes."
"Have you ever tried to sing opera?" I ask, eyeing his steak knife. "Because you keep talking that bullshit and you'll be singing it tonight, fucker."
He grins at me, his eyes glittering with amusement. "So it's like that, huh?"
"Yeah," I say quietly. "It's exactly like that."
He smacks me on the back and then laughs loudly. "Jesus Christ. I don't know what the fuck you guys are drinking, but you're dropping like flies. I'm scared to come home. My ass may end up married by the new year at this rate."
"Aww," Catriona says, her eyes lighting up. "You're getting married?"
Bender shoots her a look of horror, which makes his bandmates crack up. He's been more than vocal about his feelings on the subject. The last time a reporter asked if he'd ever get married, he laughed for so long she got pissed and stormed out of the interview. "Uh, fuck no. I'm never getting married."