Page 58 of Silver Spoon MC Collection: Nichole's Crew
"I…" Her cheeks turn pink, and she splutters.
"Just so we're clear, that's not me rejecting you," I say when she finally gives up and snaps her mouth closed. "I've been hard all fucking week, thinking about you."
"Oh," she whispers. "Then why?"
I tip my head down to hers, brushing a kiss across her lips. "Because I won't be something you regret tomorrow, little one," I murmur against her mouth. "When I'm in you, it'll be because you know we're forever. Just like I know it."
"Andreas," she gasps.
I kiss her again, a tiny peck to seal my confession, and then climb to my feet with her in my arms. "It's okay, rabbit. We've got time."
Chapter Four
Andreaslivesintheclosest thing to a castle I've ever seen. Every room is more beautiful than the last with gorgeous marble floors, exquisite chandeliers, and incredible artwork adorning the walls. The place is massive. And yet it still somehow manages to feel like a home too. Everything is warm and inviting, made to feel welcoming and comfortable instead of like a museum. I'm not quite sure how that's possible, but it is.
"Oh wow," I whisper as he carries me into his bedroom. It's bigger than Connor's entire house. Moonlight spills into the room from large French doors and a massive skylight, giving it an ethereal glow. Thick white rugs cover the floor. A massive fireplace dominates one wall. The four-poster bed takes up another, sitting so high up I think I need a ladder just to climb into it. A chaise and a sofa are arranged off to the side in a private alcove. Dark furniture completes the room. It's masculine and beautiful at the same time.
"Come on," Andreas murmurs, gently depositing me in the bed.
I sink into the thick mattress like I'm sinking into a cloud. I flop backward with a soft laugh, flinging my arms out wide. If this is what it's like to be a billionaire…wow. Sign me up. My bed feels like a lame cot compared to this.
"You look like you're in heaven, little one," Andreas says, a crooked grin lifting the right side of his mouth.
"Close enough," I mumble. "This bed is amazing."
His dark chuckle rolls over me, turning my insides to mush. My stomach flutters at the thought of sharing this bed with him. Of feeling his arms around me all night. Maybe I shouldn't have asked it of him, but I couldn't help it. He asked me what I needed and that was the only answer I had for him. I need him to hold me together. I'm scared and I'm nervous and I'm sad and I'm angry and I'm a million different things that don't make much sense right now.
But when he touches me, none of that matters. I feel stronger in his arms, braver. All week, I convinced myself that maybe I just imagined feeling that way. But I didn't. As soon as he touched me tonight, I felt safe again, exactly like I did last week.
I'm pretty sure that means something.
"Come here," he murmurs, wrapping his hands around my hips and gently tugging me closer to the edge of the bed. Once I'm where he wants me, he quickly pulls my shoes and socks off, his fingers brushing my instep.
I giggle, squirming beneath him.
"Are you ticklish, little one?" He smiles down at me.
"Maybe a little."
His smile grows as he examines my chipped polish.
"I forgot to paint them," I mumble, though it's not entirely true. It's more like I decided not to paint them once the weather cooled. Who has time to paint their toes just to hide them in socks for the next five months? No one, that's who. If he's going to be looking at them, I'll be making time.
"They're perfect," he says.
I don't have to ask to know he means it. He's a billionaire, but he finds my ridiculous, chipped polish and chubby feet perfect. How is he real? What does he want from me?
Forever. Duh, my little voice whispers.
Like usual, I don't think it's wrong. I think he really means it when he says that's what he wants from me. That should probably freak me out. I'm nineteen. The only plan I've ever had for my life involved getting out of Copper Creek. Beyond that, there was nothing. I never let myself think that far ahead because I didn't want to get my heart broken when it didn't work out. In Copper Creek, things rarely work out.
But with Andreas…I feel myself stretching toward hope, reaching for something I never let myself even dream about before now. Not just a way out, but a real future with a home and a family and alife. Am I allowed to want that? Is it wrong to want it for myself even if it means leaving Connor behind? I push that worrying thought behind, refusing to dwell on it.
Tonight, I'm going to be a little bit selfish.
Tomorrow, I can go back to worrying about my brother.