Page 55 of Silver Spoon MC Collection: Nichole's Crew
I stare at her for a long, silent moment. "There's so much wrong with that," I finally mutter. "But we aren't fucking talking about porn or sex or any of that bullshit. They don't even exist to you." I narrow my eyes on her. "They better not exist to you."
"I'm not talking about my sex life to you," she says, wrinkling her nose at me like she's not the one who brought up this conversation.
"You better not have a sex life, Autumn," I growl, my blood pressure rising. Jesus Christ. I know my sister is an adult, but she's still my baby sister. I don't want to think about some bastard taking advantage of her, let alone hear about it.
"Do you have a sex life?" she demands, her hands on her hips.
"Fuck no."
"Because it's rude to try to tell me what to do with… Wait. Seriously?" She blinks at me, clearly shocked. "You don't?"
I tip my head back and blow out a sharp breath at the ceiling. "Jesus Christ," I mutter, and then laugh. How did I manage to forget that Autumn has no boundaries and will ask whatever question pops into her head? She's always been that way. "New rule. We're not talking about my sex life, your sex life, porn, or anything remotely related while you're staying here. Some shit, I don't ever need to fucking know."
"Fine by me," she says. "I wasn't trying to have a conversation about it anyway, geez. I just made an observation supported by scientific fact, and you got all weird and cranky. Again."
I tip my head forward to glare at her. "I'm not cranky."
"Whatever you say, big brother."
The doorbell rings before I can say anything.
"I got it," Autumn says, skipping toward the door.
"Autumn, wait," I growl, hoping like hell it's Catriona…worried as fuck that it's her brother or someone else from his MC. It's nearly midnight. Catriona is too fucking innocent to be out this late by herself, especially with men like her brother's friends running loose. They aren't just troublemakers or young men raising a little hell. They're hardcore criminals.
I've seen what they've been doing for my father. Extortion and bribery are just the tip of the iceberg. And that's not even taking into consideration their business ventures with the Savages, who are involved in human trafficking and God only knows what else.
Autumn ignores me, quickly undoing the deadbolts and throwing the front door wide open.
Relief loosens knots in my shoulders when I see Catriona standing on the stoop, her arms wrapped around her, a black hoodie swallowing her petite frame. Her eyes are red as if she's been crying. When they land on Autumn, they widen, her mouth popping open.
"Oh," she whispers. "Um, I…" Her gaze darts toward me and then back to Autumn, trying to figure out who Autumn is and why she's here. I know the moment she reaches a conclusion. Panic fills her gaze, a blush staining her cheeks. I see the anger and the hurt in her eyes too. She's gotten it all wrong.
"Little one," I murmur.
"I shouldn't have come," she blurts, spinning away from the door.
"Catriona, stop."
"Holy crap," Autumn whispers. "You have a girlfriend."
I slide around her, grabbing Catriona before she can take off down the stairs. She struggles in my arms, fighting to get loose. Her round ass brushes my cock, turning him to steel.
"Stop fighting me, little one," I whisper in her ear, pulling her up against me. "She's my sister."
"Y-your sister?" she asks.
"Yes." I breathe her in, letting her floral scent work its way through my system. It soothes all those raw places a week without her inflamed. No, I'm not falling slowly. I'm plummeting at the speed of fucking light, fully prepared to crash land into love with this girl. The sooner I can get her on the same page, the better. "Her name is Autumn. She just moved back to Silver Spoon Falls."
"Oh," Catriona whispers, sagging in my arms. And then she whimpers my name. "Andreas? You…you were right. He is in trouble. I don't know how to fix it this time."
"Shh, little one," I croon, scooping her up as she starts to cry. "It's going to be okay."
"Is she okay?" Autumn whispers, peeking her head into the living room where I carried Catriona half an hour ago.
She's on my lap, her face buried in my throat. She's not crying anymore, but she hasn't made a move to pull away either. I'm just holding her, waiting her out. I think she needs to be held right now more than she needs to talk. She's a little koala bear, starving for affection. God only knows how long it's been since she last had any of that.
I jerk my chin in a nod, letting Autumn know she's all right.