Page 36 of Silver Spoon MC Collection: Nichole's Crew
"Beside him is Finn," Cash says, introducing the guy in a t-shirt and glasses. "We call him Hacker."
"Hey, Samara," Finn says, his lips curving into a smile.
"I'm Cormac," Giant says, flashing me that pirate's smile. I already know he's trouble with a capital T. But I don't think he's a bad guy. Just a handful. His nickname certainly fits him.
"And this," Cash says, turning to the last man in the room, "is His Royal Highness, Damien De Angelis. We call him Angel."
"More like His Royal Pain in the Ass," Rafe mutters, earning grins from his brothers.
"His Royal Highness?"
"Angel is the Crown Prince of Belldonnia," Cash says, grinning.
"Oh, wow," I say, fidgeting. "Um, I've never met royalty before. Am I supposed to bow or curtsey or something?"
"Fuck no," Damien growls, his deep voice slightly accented. "I come here to get away from all of that. These assholes just like to give me shit about it." He scowls at Cash before turning back to me. "It's nice to meet you, Samara. Though I wish it were under better circumstances."
"Me too." I glance around the room at everyone, powerful emotion swelling in my chest. For the first time in a long time, maybe for the first time ever, I don't feel alone. Because of Tate, Scout is surrounded by love and so I am.
Tears of gratitude well in my eyes, spilling over before I can stop them.
"Thank you," I say as their faces blur. "All of you."
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Half an hour later, the waiting begins in earnest. Jules calls to let me know that they're getting started. My hands shake when I hang up the phone. They tremble so hard it takes two tries before I'm able to replace the receiver in the cradle.
Thirteen sets of eyes focus on me when I turn to face the room.
"They just got started," I say, my voice shaking as hard as my hands.
A murmur of unease ripples through the room as everyone tenses at once. I think I let every single one of these men into my heart right then and there. The fact that they care enough to worry about a baby they've never met speaks volumes about the kind of men they are. The fact that they're here at all does too. I'm sure they have a million things they'd rather do today than wait around a hospital, but they're here anyway.
Troian hops up from her seat beside Gage and hurries toward me.
She leads me toward a chair in the corner, gently urging me to sit.
I plop down, thrusting my hands into the pockets of Tate's oversized hoodie. I'm not sure if it's really freezing cold in here or if it's just me, but I feel like a block of ice sits on my chest. I close my eyes, imagining his arms around me instead of his hoodie. His heart beating beneath my ear, his hands running through my hair. Some ridiculous statement tumbling from his lips. He's probably a certified genius, but he says stupid stuff all the time, just to make me smile.
Even though he's in the operating room with Scout, I lean on him and his strength, letting him get me through this.
"Hi." Cash's wife, Hadley, slips into the seat beside me.
"Hey," I whisper, giving her the approximation of a smile. My leg bounces with nervous energy. It feels like it's been centuries since Jules called with the last update. I know it hasn't been that long, but time passes in dribbles, even with Tate's brothers here.
The sun rose hours ago, and then morning gave way to noon, which is slowly trickling by. The hands on the clock inch closer and closer to one. Tate's brothers haven't moved an inch. The waiting room is overrun with handsome men sprawled across uncomfortable chairs. Every single one of them looks like they're prepared to sit here as long as it takes. Trying not to cry in front of them is taking all of my concentration.
A giant crack opened up in my heart this morning. One side of it is crippled with worry. The other side though…seeing these men here now silently waiting for news about my niece…that side is stitching itself back together little by little.
Hadley is beautiful. Curvy, like me, with aqua eyes and freckles across the bridge of her nose. Her long blonde hair is up in a ponytail, keeping it out of her way. Like me, she's dressed in leggings and a hoodie. "Are you holding up okay?"
"Yes." I exhale a breath. "No."
She slips her hand into mine and squeezes. "It's terrifying, isn't it? Not knowing, I mean?"
"Yeah, it is," I say.
"I was in an accident a few weeks ago," she says, her voice soft so it doesn't carry. She lays her free hand on her stomach. "I'm pregnant with twins. We were afraid I was going to lose the babies. I still worry about it, but the twins are doing great so far." Her lips curve into a tiny smile. "Having Hands…um, Tate around helps. He's an amazing doctor. Your niece is in the best care possible with him."