Page 212 of Silver Spoon MC Collection: Nichole's Crew
A sharp whistle cuts through the air, followed by, "Hey, Tiny!"
I lift my gaze, glancing toward the row of loungers on the far side of the yard to find my wife standing a few feet in front of hers, her hands planted on her wide hips.
"Less talking! More sweating!" she shouts. "You're ruining our view."
A ripple of laughter moves through the row of loungers.
"We want to see muscles!" Catriona shouts.
"And sweat!" cries Hadley.
I glance at my brothers to find them glancing at each other, matching looks on their faces. We don't discuss it. We don't say anything. Everyone jumps up with renewed purpose, leaving our tools where they lay.
I stalk toward Mischief, rapidly closing the distance between us.
"What are you doing?" she asks warily.
"Giving you what you asked for," I say conversationally. "What was it again?"
"I don't remember," she lies, inching backward as if she has a shot in hell of getting away from me. She's been trying to outrun me for six years, and it hasn't worked yet. I always catch her little ass. And she always loves it when I do.
Life with her and our twin daughters is a goddamn adventure. The most incredible, beautiful adventure I've ever experienced. And somehow, she keeps finding ways to make it better.
I don't merely love this woman. I idolize her. She’s not simply the center of my universe. She's every damn corner of it. I'm not just happy with her. I'm fucking ecstatic. Every day, I know joy. I know bliss. I know my purpose.
"Ah, yes," I say. "It was muscles. And sweat."
"Tiny," she says, a warning in her voice. I don't heed it. Of course I don't.
She feints left, and I break right, catching her before she even makes it two steps. I haul her into my arms, being mindful of her pregnant belly, and then shove my face into hers.
"I believe you said something about a view too," I growl.
"Damn," she breathes as squeals go up all around us from my brothers' wives. Her arms lock around my neck. "What a view."
I chuckle. "That's my line, Mischief. You're the view."
"Not today, Tiny," she sighs happily, dragging my mouth down to hers. "Not today."
The Bodyguard Bonus Epilogue
"What the ever loving fuck?" Cash growls.
I look up from the baby in my arms to see him glaring out of the living room window with Tate and Finn by his side.
"Is that a mechanical dick?" Finn asks, his voice choked with laughter.
"Is thatmy truck?" Tate demands.
"I think your daddy is home," I whisper to Josie, stroking my finger down her tiny nose. She blinks up at me, her little lips parted. Gloria is snuggling her twin sister, Avery, who is milk drunk and passed out. Not Josie though. She's too much like me and her daddy. She never wants to miss a thing.
"What are you three bitching about now?" Bender asks, glancing up from his own baby to scowl at his brothers.