Page 203 of Silver Spoon MC Collection: Nichole's Crew
A tiny part of me wants to make a break for it and see how far I can get. Not because I think I'll actually get anywhere. But just to make him sweat. It's his own fault, really. He's mildly infuriating.
"Does the Army train you to be a pain in the ass, or does that come naturally?" I ask, plopping down at the island.
Crash settles at my feet, shooting Callum a reproachful look. At least he's on my side.
"Oh, it's a natural talent, sweetheart."
I crack a smile, my first since Cormac left an hour ago. I'm freaking miserable without him. I'm worried out of my mind for Isla. I feel helpless because there's nothing I can do. And I'm sad because I acted like a brat and didn't say bye. I'm also mad as hell that he threatened to tie me to the bed.
It hurts that he doesn't trust me…and it hurts even more that I didn't give him any reason to trust me today. Callum is here because I made Cormac think the worst. I reacted instead of trying to see things from his point of view.
Heneedsme safe, not because I'm a job. Not because he promised my dad. But because he loves me. If something happens to me, it will destroy him. The same damn way thinking about losing him destroys me.
I don't hate him for that. How can I when my heart beats for him?
But that doesn't mean he can just order me around, either. He has to talk to me, not go all bossy caveman on me. I've never responded well to being bossed around. Just ask Isla. She's older than me by a couple of minutes and has spent twenty-one years being bossy. I've spent just as long being stubborn and recalcitrant. I think these traits were forged in my soul in the womb.
"If you're going to be a weirdo and follow me around, can you at least sit down?" I complain to Callum, nudging a barstool toward him. "You're making me nuts."
"Pretty sure I had nothing to do with that," he mutters without heat, making me laugh. He's growing on me. Sort of like a wart. Only he's more attractive and slightly less annoying.
"I'm perfectly sane."
He snorts, hooking his foot around the barstool to drag it across the floor. Once it's positioned so he can see both doors, he sits, his back ramrod straight.
"How long were you in the Army?"
"Long enough."
"Did you like it?"
"No one likes the Army, Bella."
"He's going to find your sister."
Tears sting my eyes. I fidget with my hands, twisting my fingers together.
"I know," I whisper. Cormacwillfind her. He's never let me down. I know he won't this time, either.
Isla has always been the twin who follows the rules and never makes waves. She tries to make everyone else happy, even if it means sacrificing her own joy. For her to sneak out now is serious.
I wish I knew what was going on with her. What is she hiding? Why didn't she talk to me about whatever it is? I don't like that she has a secret. We tell each other everything.
I heave a sigh, giving up on trying to sort it out. "Are you hungry?" I ask Callum.
He eyes me sideways.
"I'm making eggs. I promise not to poison them if you promise to at least let me pee in peace today."
"I'll cook."
I gape at him.
"And you can still pee in peace."
"Jerk," I mumble, fighting a smile.