Page 190 of Silver Spoon MC Collection: Nichole's Crew
He held me the whole way down, just like he said he would.
Chapter Seven
"Ihaveasurprisefor you."
Bella glances up from her book, her eyes narrowed in suspicion. "You said that yesterday too, Tiny," she reminds me. "And then you dragged me out of bed and made me go running in the woods."
"I didn't make you go running in the woods," I protest through laughter. "We went for a walk."
She purses her lips and widens her eyes, looking at my legs and then at hers, and then back at mine. "You have about three times more leg than I do. You were out for a casual stroll.Iwas running for my life."
"It took us an hour to go a mile, Mischief."
"Revisionist history," she scoffs.
I shake my head and steal her book, marking her place before I set it aside. "Get your little ass up, and let's go."
"Do I have to walk anywhere?" she asks, making air quotes around the wordwalk.
"Yeah, your happy ass to the garage to get on my bike," I growl, hauling her off the couch to her feet. I press a hard kiss to her mouth and then smack her ass. "Go find your shoes."
"We're taking your bike?" Her eyes light up.
Of course that gets her moving.
She makes a beeline for the stairs, disappearing up them at record speed. I watch her go, smiling like a fucking loon. I swear to Christ, I've never been this goddamn content in my life. For the first time, I feel like my purpose is right here in front of me. I know what I'm meant to do with my life now. I know exactly where I'm supposed to be. I was put on this earth to love this wild woman.
Every damn minute I spend with her, I fall deeper. I love her harder. It's sickening, really. No wonder my brothers are insufferable shiny, happy people all the goddamn time. No wonder they wanted to murder me every time I flirted with their wives. Just the thought of one of them teasing Bella like I teased their wives makes me homicidal.
I probably owe them apologies. Not that the fuckers are getting them or anything. They've been insufferable shiny, happy people. And they've been getting laid regularly. I've been sleeping alone for a year and a half while Bella existed in another state. That's punishment enough for my pain-in-the-ass ways.
Crash butts his head against my thigh, silently demanding attention.
I lean down to scratch his ears.
"You're staying behind again today, buddy," I murmur, breaking the bad news to him. "I need you to keep an eye on shit here."
He huffs out a breath, glancing toward the stairs.
"I'll bring her back," I promise. He's obsessed with her. When it's just the two of us, he sleeps on the couch. With Bella here, he sleeps in the bedroom. I had to put a blanket down on her side of the bed to keep him off the bed. He sleeps right beside her, watching over her.
She's been sleeping peacefully for the most part. When she drifts too far away, the nightmares start. As soon as I get her back in my arms, her mind settles. We haven't talked about it again since the first night, but I think she knows there's a reason for that. She belongs here with me, plain and simple.
Mac Sterling isn't going to like it, but that's too bad for him. She's mine to care for now. If she really wants to move back to Tennessee, I'll go with her. Whatever she needs to be happy. But one way or another, her future is with me. I don't care if that's here or if it's there so long as she's with me where she belongs.
Though, truthfully, I'm hoping she'll want to stay here at least part-time. The last thing I want to do is split up her and her twin, but Silver Spoon Falls is home for me. The place is in my blood. When I envision my future, it's always been here.
"I'm ready, Tiny."
I glance up to watch her bounce down the stairs. Well, I watch her tits bounce.
She lands at the bottom like an angel, smiling sweetly. "Where are we going?"
Hacker has us a secure line so she can video chat with her family, but I decide not to tell her. If anything goes wrong between here and there and we have to reschedule the call, I don't want to break her heart. She's had it broken far too many times already. But I hope like hell we don't have to reschedule, and she can talk to her family today. She needs to hear from her sister. Thinking she's mad at her is weighing heavily on my girl. The tension between her and Mac is weighing on her too. Until they hash their shit out, she won't be able to settle.
"You'll see," I say, reaching for her hand.