Page 176 of Silver Spoon MC Collection: Nichole's Crew
"Sucks for me," Cormac growls, still hyperfocused on my mouth. "Because I'm starving for another taste of you, Bella."
My tongue slips out, sliding across my bottom lip.
Cormac growls again, the dark, predatory sound coming from deep in his chest. Chills erupt all over my body, and my core clenches.
Oh, my goodness.
Abort, Bella. Abort right now.
Except I can't. Except I don't want to. I'm caught in his spell, tangled like prey in a sticky web. And every minute I spend in it only pulls me in deeper.
Cormac exhales a breath and then takes a step back, twisting to set my helmet on the back of his bike. I suck in a lungful of fresh air, trying to clear my head. It's a useless attempt.Hisscent still lingers, making me dizzy.
"Come on. Let's go meet these assholes," he mutters, turning back to me. He grabs my hand, lacing our fingers together.
For the first time, I turn to face the group on the porch. And whoa. Cormac's MC is not like any MC I've ever heard of before now. They're all hot, for one. They're an implacable wall of muscle lining the front porch, each of them gorgeous, each of them wearing an amused grin. Half of them wear suits. The others are dressed more casually, with cuts stretched across their chests. But it's evident they're all as wealthy as Cormac.
They all eye me with various degrees of curiosity as we approach. None seems annoyed by my presence here, though. If anything, they seem…amused. Relieved. The one on the end who looks like he stepped out of a fashion magazine seems genuinely happy as he glances between me and Cormac.
"Fuckers, this is Mischief. You assholes call her Bella. Bella, these fuckersweremy MC brothers until three minutes ago," Cormac says by way of introduction.
"We're still your brothers, motherfucker."
"Maybe," Cormac grunts. "I've decided I don't like any of you that much."
"Don't be rude to your brothers, Cormac."
"Yeah, Cormac," the first one who spoke— a handsome dark-haired man with green eyes— says, smirking. "Don't be rude to your brothers."
Cormac flips him off and then turns to me. "Mischief, this is Jason Montoya. We call him Cash. He's our prez, though I couldn't tell you why."
"Someone has to keep your big ass in line," Cash— the man so just spoke— mutters and then winks at me. "It's nice to meet you, sweetheart. "Sorry you've been saddled with this asshole."
"Doesn't look like she minds too much from where I'm standing," a man in a cowboy hat drawls, smiling at me.
My cheeks heat.
"Blink twice if you're in need of rescue," he says.
"I will kill you," Cormac says without heat, pulling me back a step.
His brothers all laugh. The cowboy's smile grows.
"This is Landon. We call him Cowboy. You'll never guess why." Cormac rolls his eyes, but I see the humor in them. He's only teasing. He points at the man in glasses next, the one covered in tattoos. "This is Finn, also known as Hacker."
"You're a hacker?" I ask, impressed. He doesn't look like any computer nerd I've ever met.
"He's a fucking genius," Cormac answers for him. "Don't let that fool you though, Mischief. He's still an idiot."
"Man, fuck you," Hacker says, laughing.
"This is Rafe. We call him Lynch."
I eye the man standing next to Hacker, a little afraid to ask how he got his nickname.
"Grew up in Lynchburg," he says as if reading my mind.
"I'm Tate. They call me Hands," the guy next to Lynch says, smiling at me.