Page 174 of Silver Spoon MC Collection: Nichole's Crew
"Yeah? I just did."
"Don't do it again." There's no heat in the demand, no power. She says it by rote, as if she's only saying it because it's what she's supposed to say. We both know she doesn't mean it. I see that truth glittering in her eyes.
"Why not?"
"I didn't like it."
"Liar." I nudge her hand away from her mouth to run my thumb along her bottom lip. "You loved it. We both know you did, Mischief. I've got the nail imprints on my shoulders and the wet spot on my boxers to prove it."
She doesn't say anything for a long moment. She simply stares at me. I think she's trying to see into my soul, to read my intentions. Whatever she finds there doesn't seem to reassure her. If anything, it seems to distress her. Worry fills her expression.
"Don't make me fall for you, Cormac," she finally whispers, her voice shaking.
"There will be no falling involved, Mischief," I say, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. "I intend to hold you the whole fucking way down."
Chapter Four
"Howoftenareyouhaving nightmares?" Cormac asks, eyeing me over the marble island.
I swallow my toast, not sure I'm ready to answer this question. But I can tell by the look in his eyes that he already knows I'm having them frequently. Is that why he was in my bed last night? It wasn't why he kissed me this morning. It's definitely not why I kissed him back.
I didn't mean to do it, but I couldn't stop myself, either. He's dangerous to my self-control. Actually, he's dangerous to virtually every part of me. Staying vigilant and guarding my heart around him is going to be impossible when he insists on slipping beneath my defenses before I even realize he's moved.
"Too often," I mutter, dropping the toast to my plate.
"How often, Bella?"
"Every night."
He grunts, clearly not thrilled with that answer.
"Sorry if I woke you up last night."
He sets his coffee mug on the counter, circling around the island to me. One thick finger settles beneath my chin, gently tilting my face up to his. "You don't owe me an apology for how you deal with trauma," he says. Early morning sunlight spills across his face, lighting him in a nimbus of soft white. "You don't oweanyonean apology."
Whoisthis man?
Your future, a little voice whispers.
I'm not sure what scares me more. The possibility that it's right, or the fact that I hate the thought less and less every time I have it. Cormac Carmichael is magnetic, and I'm slowly being pulled closer and closer to his field. Pretty soon, there will be no escaping it.
"I keep dreaming about what happened," I whisper, my stomach twisting into knots. "Um, the therapist said it's pretty common after something like that."
Cormac nods, his expression soft. "Are you taking anything to help you sleep?"
I quickly shake my head. "It just made the nightmares worse."
He feathers his fingers along my jaw, flashing those deadly dimples at me. "Guess that means you'll just have to get used to sharing my bed then, Mischief."
"Yeah, with Crash."
"Nah, with me." His dimples deepen, his thumb brushing across my bottom lip. Little flames of desire spread throughout me, licking at my skin, and then sinking deep to pool in my belly. My nipples harden, and every bit of moisture disappears from my mouth. "You didn't have a nightmare when you were in my arms."
"Probably because you're a giant," I mumble, my gaze riveted to his mouth. That wicked, perfect mouth. I want him to kiss me again. Ineedhim to kiss me again. Just one more taste. Just one more, and then I can go back to thinking rationally.
"You were saying my name in your sleep."