Page 146 of Silver Spoon MC Collection: Nichole's Crew
"Finn, you can't run him out of town."
"I'm not," he says, his tone grim. "I'm running him out of the state."
"You should leave him and run away with me," Giant says, winking at me early the next morning. He was waiting by the front door when we got here an hour ago. He's been giving Finn grief ever since.
I cover my mouth with my hand, hiding a smile.
"There's a reason you're my least favorite brother," Finn growls, glaring daggers at his brother. "This is why."
"Uh, rude," Giant says, grinning ear to ear. "I'm your favorite fucking brother and you know it."
Finn grunts and turns his back on Giant. "Playboy and Rafe are going to watch the store today. I'm taking this asshole with me."
"I don't want to go with you," Giant complains. "I want to stay with your girl."
Finn's left eye twitches.
I faceplant into his chest, laughing uncontrollably. I can't help it. He's so grumpy! He's been a snarling beast all morning. He really doesn't like Giant flirting with me, which is exactly why Giant's doing it. I think he pushes buttons just because he can. He's exactly like Aunt Ophelia. Only about fifty times bigger and a million times hotter.
"Are we having a hot guy convention someone forgot to tell me about?"
I pull away from Finn to see Maddie standing in the doorway to the shop, dressed in a black romper and high pony.
"Maddie," her husband growls.
"What?" she says. "I married you. That doesn't mean I don't have eyes, Fischer!"
"Welcome home!" I cry. "You're back early."
"Fischer has a case so we had to come back. How is everything here?" She glances at Finn, who has an arm around my waist and then at Giant. "Hi, Finn. Hi, Giant."
"Everything is good."
"Everything isnotgood," Finn growls, narrowing his eyes on me.
Maddie's eyes widen in alarm. "Did something happen? Please tell me Gladstone isn't causing problems again."
"No, of course not."
"Some asshole has been stalking Scarlett," Finn growls. "He tried to get into the shop while she was closing up last night."
"Oh my god," Maddie whispers. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." I elbow Finn in the ribs. Hard. "He didn't get inside. Giant is here to install security cameras around the building to help keep an eye on things until the situation is handled." I grimace. "I was going to call you to get permission before he gets started, but I haven't made it that far yet."
"Of course he can install cameras," she says instantly, waving me off. She looks at him. "Do whatever you need to keep her safe."
Fischer murmurs something that makes her giggle.
"Maybe don't put any inside the offices?" she suggests.
"We were only planning to wire up outside," Giant says. "But I can run a feed inside if you want. We've got the extra tech for it."
"Do it," Fischer says, earning a pout from Maddie. "Sorry, little thief. I know this is your show and I'm more than happy to let you run it, but when it comes to your safety, I'm head counsel. You need security cameras inside the store."
"Fine." Maddie scowls at her husband. "But you're paying for it."
Fischer fights a smile.