Page 128 of Silver Spoon MC Collection: Nichole's Crew
"Mafia reader," she mouths, pointing at herself.
"I know how often they fuck in those books, Scarlett," I growl, leaning toward the counter and pitching my voice low. "You keep threatening me with a good time, we'll be finding out if we can keep up, pretty baby. Book by book."
The sound that leaves her lips has my body breaking out in a sweat.
"Name your favorite."
"Monster in His Eyes," she blurts.
"Do you have it in stock here?"
"Yes," she whispers.
"Good girl."
She makes that sound again.
I put a little space between us before I launch myself over the counter at her. Jesus. She's got me all twisted up in knots. "What kind of questions was he asking?"
Her brows furrow. "What?"
"The man who left when I came in."
"Oh." She gives her head a tiny shake to clear it. "Um, he said he was new in town. When I told him I was too, he kept asking for recommendations for different things. He was a little odd, so I told him to go to the Chamber of Commerce." She shrugs. "It worked."
I'm not so sure it did, but I don't tell her that.
"What was his name?"
"I don't know. He didn't say."
Well, fuck. I can't look him up without a name. But I make a note to do some digging and see what I can come up with. Hopefully, it's nothing and I'm just a possessive, overprotective asshole. I can live with that. But our MC has had more than our fair share of problems over the last year, and the bookstore recently had some problems of its own with the former owner. I'm not taking her safety for granted. Fuck that.
"Where's the romance section?"
"You really want to read the book?" she asks.
"Scarlett, where's the romance section?"
Her expression softens. "Go to the back wall and hang a right. It's all the way over in the corner." She laughs quietly. "Look for all the hot men with no shirts. When you find them, you're in the right place."
I mutter a curse under my breath, which only makes her laugh again.
"Hey, wait! What's this favor I owe you?" she says before I make it two steps away from the counter.
I want to demand a date, but I don't want her to agree because I forced her into it. When she says yes, I want it to be because I earned it. So I don't do that. Instead, I come up with Plan B. "I need a quiet place to work," I say, a broad smile stretching across my face. Hot damn. I am a genius. "At least for a few days."
"A fewdays?" she squeaks.
"You won't even know I'm here."
Chapter Three
"Yourauntisinrare form today."
"Please tell me that means she was on her best behavior, and everything went smoothly," I say, already knowing that isn't going to happen. Aunt Ophelia is a firm believer that well-behaved women rarely make history. And Silver Spoon Falls won't be forgetting her anytime soon.