Page 116 of Silver Spoon MC Collection: Nichole's Crew
The Lawyer Bonus Scene
"It's about time you showed up," Lynch grumbles, glaring at me over an arrangement of flowers on his way to Giant's truck. "I think they plan on using every damn flower in this place for the wedding."
I snort, glancing from him to Hadley and Kyra's flower shop, Petal Pushers. With Hadley and Cash getting hitched tomorrow, we all got roped into helping setup. Apparently, I'm the last one here because my MC brothers are trooping through the doors one by one loaded down with flowers.
"Fifth!" Cash shouts as soon as he spots me standing beside my cage. "Get your ass in here. We've got shit to do."
"Watch out for groomzilla," Lynch mutters. "Hadley is chill as fuck, but Cash has turned into a fucking drill sergeant."
I chuckle quietly, not surprised. He's head over heels for Hadley and wants their wedding to go perfectly for her. Especially after all the shit we've been dealing with lately. I can't say I blame him for that. It's good to see him happy, even if he did rope our asses into playing de facto wedding planners, gophers, and everything in between this week.
I leave Lynch to deal with his flower arrangement and jog across the parking lot toward Cash to find out what he needs me to do.
"Took you long enough to get here," he bitches.
"I was dealing with our Brady issue."
His brows pull down, his face set in a dark glower. "Fucking Brady," he mutters. "I'm never doing another damn favor for anyone else."
He says that now, but he'll change his mind. Cash can't help but do favors for people. It's who he is. I don't blame him for being pissed about Brady though. The little bastard has been nothing but trouble since the mayor begged his foot through the doors of the MC.
"Where do you need me?" I ask.
"Help Cowboy babysit these fuckers. I need to get back over to the clubhouse to make sure everything is getting done there. If you have questions, ask Kyra or Devin."
"Devin?" I ask, not sure who that is. Kyra is Hadley's twin. I've met her before. I've never met Devin.
"Petite, dark hair. Only other woman in this place," Cash says. "You'll figure it out." He strikes out across the parking lot, not wasting time.
Lynch is right. He is a groomzilla. The poor bastard.
"Move it, fucker," Giant booms.
I turn toward the doors of the shop in time to see him marching out with an armload of pink and white flowers. Rather, I see an armload of pink and white flowers stacked damn near to his eyebrows.
"Jesus. How many flowers do you need for a wedding?" I shift to the side so he can pass.
"All of them, brother," he rumbles. "All of them."
I guess so. Goddamn.
I slip inside the shop to find Cowboy, only I don't make it that far. As I walk through the front doors a bright little ray of sunshine waltzes into the shop from the back room, a sweet smile spread across her face.
She's got her raven hair tied back away from her face, but strands escape, framing her big brown eyes. She's young...way too goddamn young for me to notice the swells of her breasts and her generous curves, but I notice them anyway. I notice her anyway.
Does no one else realize that she wears that smile like armor? It hides so much from the world, but I see it. She's a woman apart, independent because she trusts no one, depends on no one. She's holding the weight of the world on her shoulders, but I don’t think a single complaint has ever passed her lips.
My feet are rooted in place, all of my attention focused on her. She's...Jesus. She's looks like a dainty baby doll, but has the spine of a perfect little princess.
Mine, an unfamiliar voice whispers.My little princess.
Yes, that's right. She's mine. My baby girl. I'm supposed to protect her. It's my job to take care of her. An unfamiliar desire bubbles to the surface, a longing to cradle her close and worship her.
Please, daddy. Hold me?