Page 107 of Silver Spoon MC Collection: Nichole's Crew
"Daddy," I moan quietly, my whole body going lax in his arms. My whole body is deliciously sore today. Jude has made me bathe twice and take Tylenol a couple of times. He's so protective. I don't mind the sore muscles though. They're a reminder of what we've done. And what I desperately want to do again.
"Daddy's claiming it again tonight, princess," he growls, his voice pitched low so Cash doesn't overhear. "He's not stopping until you're pregnant."
I bite my lip, fighting back a loud moan. My whole body bursts into flames, arousal instantly flooding my panties. I squeeze my thighs together, trapping his hand against my center, trying to ride my hips against it. He grunts and grinds his palm into me, biting my neck at the same time.
"Tonight," he says, breathing hard.
I nod frantically, already unsure how I'm supposed to make it until then when I need him so bad right here and right now. I think he broke me. He touched me and turned me into a greedy, desperate princess. All I can think about now is him and getting him inside me again. About him touching me and kissing me and eating me and fucking me. He calls me his good little princess, but I think I might be bad. Gluttony is a sin, isn't it?
"We're pulling in," Cash says from the driver's seat.
My heart stops.
Jude grinds his palm against my center one more time and then reluctantly pries his hand from between my legs. His lips touch the side of my neck in a gentle, reassuring kiss. "Breathe, baby doll," he whispers. "Everything is going to be okay."
Petal Pushers is a small, old-fashioned shop with a small parking lot and big front windows. When we pull into the lot, a black SUV is already parked near the doors. My heart catches in my throat when I see Dimitri, Uncle Dante, and Constantine standing beside the SUV.
Uncle Dante is dressed in his customary dark suit and tie, his expensive Italian leather shoes shining in the sunlight. He's big and imposing. Dimitri is the same size, though there is no getting my brother into a suit. He watches us approach like a hawk, his dark eyes narrowed, his lips compressed in a thin, disapproving line. He's not very happy with me right now.
Constantine is the only one of the three who doesn't look grumpy. He's also the one of the three I'm most worried to see here. They call him the Grim Reaper. He's the man they call when they need something especially dirty handled. He's done things that would make the angels weep. If he's here, it's not good.
"That's Uncle Dante," I whisper, pointing him out to Jude. "Dimitri is the one scowling at us." I lick my lips, trying to work moisture into my mouth, and then nod at Constantine. "That's Constantine Attias. He's, um, he works for my brother and Uncle Dante. He's like their hitman."
"Jesus Christ," Cash mutters from the front seat.
"Would he hurt you?" Jude asks, his hands tightening on me.
"Never," I say without hesitation. Constantine may be a lot of things, but I trust him with my life. Hesavedmy life. He has a thing about women and children. Uncle Dante and Dimitri do too. They won't go after a woman or a child, no matter the provocation. I don't know if it's because they've spent so many years trying to keep cartels from coming after me or if it's just that they find it morally wrong, but they never target the families of their enemies.
"I want you to stay in the SUV," Jude says anyway.
"No, Jude." I shake my head, holding firm. "I appreciate you so much for wanting to do this for me, but they'll never just accept your word that this is where I want to be. Unless they hear it from me, they won't give up."
"Fuck," he growls.
"I have to do this," I whisper, cupping his jaw. His stubble scratches my palm. "I thought running away was the answer, but I was wrong. How am I ever supposed to prove that I'm an adult capable of making my own decisions if I'm not even capable oftellingthem that I'm an adult capable of making my own decisions?" I want them to hear from my lips that I'm my own person with my own future and that my future is here with the man I love. They don't have to like it, but they do have to accept it. They'll never do that if I spend the rest of my life running.
I can't claim to be an adult and then make childish decisions that hurt the people I love most. My uncle and my brother gave up so much to raise me. They fought for me and protected me and kept me safe. All they've ever wanted is for me to remain safe. They need to see for themselves that I'm still safe, that I'm happy and healthy, and that this is my choice.
"Fuck," Jude swears, gently grabbing my wrist. "Fine. But hear me now, little girl. They aren't getting their fucking hands on you. They aren't taking you back to Houston. You aren't going anywhere you don't want to go."
"That's the plan," I promise, leaning forward to press my lips to his in a hard kiss. God, I love him so much. He's so hot when he's all bossy and territorial. Maybe it's wrong to love it as much as I do, but I don't care. Idolove it.
Cash pulls in sideways, taking up three spots, and kills the engine. The brothers line their bikes up around the SUV, forming an upside downVwith the SUV in the middle. None of them dismount though. They all stay where they are.
"Let's go," Jude growls.
Cash mutters a curse and then climbs from the SUV.
Jude opens the door and then steps out before setting me on my feet. He doesn't let me go, though, not even close. He wraps his arm around me, tucking me up against him like he's a piece of me. Even from here, I can feel the weight of Dimitri's unhappy gaze on us.
My brother is overprotective. If he had his way, I'd never date or fall in love or marry. Men would never exist to me. As far as he's concerned, they can't be trusted with me. But he doesn't know Jude. I think if he did, he'd find that he and Jude are in perfect agreement on that particular subject. As far as Jude is concerned, he's the only man that can be trusted with me. He told me so last night.
Uncle Dante keeps his expression clear, his thoughts carefully obscured behind his dark eyes. He's always been harder to read. He doesn't seem surprised to see Jude's arm around me though. He doesn't seem surprised to see the MC either. I know he and Jude briefly talked via phone this morning. I was there for the conversation. It lasted all of three minutes. I'm guessing my uncle has been on the phone ever since, getting every scrap of intel he could on the MC.