Page 22 of The Decision Maker
“Are you relaxed yet?” Dallas asks after I slip my ear protection off.
“Thoroughly. I could use some dinner soon.” I rub my palm over my growling stomach.
“Let’s order something and have them bring it to your place,” he suggests.
“That sounds amazing.” I wave Pete over, letting him know we are done. He and Ginger come over and start cleaning up after us as we leave.
We use the elevator to go up to the third floor where the restaurant is located and order our food at the front and tell them to bring it up to my apartment.
As soon as we are back in the elevator, Dallas asks the question I’m sure has been burning on his tongue. “Are you ready to tell me why you snapped at Ginger earlier?”
“I told you, it’s unprofessional?—”
“Cut the crap, Nat,” Dallas shoots. “Tell me the truth. Were you a little jealous?”
Ugh! “No,” I lie, jealousy still lingering in my chest as I think about Ginger’s dainty fingers on Dallas’s arm. “Fine, maybea little bit. Only because we’d literally just kissed, and I was confused.”
“Confused?” Dallas lifts his hand, touching his chest above his heart as if I just hurt his feelings. He scrunches up his face into a pained expression to drive home the point.
“Can we just skip this and move to the part where you kiss me again?” The elevator stops and the door slides open into my apartment. As I wait for a response, we step inside, heading for the living room.
“Who says I was going to kiss you again?”
I stop. Turning to him, I copy his expression from just a minute ago, and hold my palm over my heart as if he hurt my feelings. The only difference is, he really did hurt mine.
She doesn’t look me in my eyes, her gaze is set to something just behind me. Clearly, something is bothering her, and I know exactly what it is. She can tell me all day long that I don’t mean anything to her, that we were just fooling around, and she is staying completely unattached. What a load of bullshit.
We clearly have a connection beyond physically. Now I only have to figure out what the problem is. Is it because I’m so much older than her? Or is she worried about what Mason is going to say? Of course there is Griffin too. She probably has unresolved feelings for him. Hell, it could be all three combined or something completely different. She has built her walls higher and thicker than Fort Knox. Getting to the core is going to be a hard task, but one I’m very much up for.
“Would you like a drink?” Nat asks. “I could use a glass of wine.”
“I’d prefer a beer,” I answer, as I get comfortable in the living room. Since her apartment is an open floor plan, I can still watch her in the kitchen.
“Coming right up.”
“How old are you again? Thirty-one?” I question, knowing damn well she is a few years older than that.
“Nice try. Thirty-six,” she yells over her shoulder while her head is in the refrigerator. The sound of glass bottles clinking together as she searches for our drinks.
“I’m fifty-two. I’m only sixteen years older than you. Not a terrible age gap.”
She closes the fridge and walks over to the counter where she places a bottle of Yuengling and a tall bottle of wine. She pops the cork out of the wine and pours herself a healthy glass. “I wouldn’t care if you were sixty-two,” she says, looking me straight in the eyes. Her large baby blues never waver as she walks over to where I’m sitting on the couch. She isn’t lying. I mentally cross my age gap theory off my list.
She hands me my beer, and I twist the top open before taking a swig. Natalie takes a sip of her red wine and sets it on the coffee table before kicking off her boots and lying down beside me. She props her head onto a large couch pillow and her legs over my lap. Her eyes twinkle mischievously as her calves rub purposely over my crotch.
“Are you worried about what Mason will think if he ever finds out that you fool around with Griffin or me?”
“Not really,” she answers, unbothered by the question. “I don’t care what he thinks. It’s none of his business what I do in my off time.”
Another checkmark off my list.
“What about Griffin? Do you have feelings for him?”
“Can we please not talk about another guy right now?” She moves her legs up, rubbing the sole of her foot over my hardened cock. “At the cabin, you said you wouldn’t turn me down if I came onto you.”