Page 35 of Kuaket
I swallowed hard, trying not to feel as nervous as I currently was. I trusted Abrax, more than I think I’d ever trusted anyone before. It was terrifying and exhilarating all at the same time.
“We’ll be okay,” I promised, brushing my fingers against his.
“I wish I had your confidence.”
“I have enough for us both,” I responded.
Abrax chuckled, but there was very little actual amusement in the sound. “We should...” He gestured towards the corridor.
I nodded. “Let’s go.” I turned, remembering only at the last minute that I was supposed to be acting as if this was a normal hook-up and not Abrax fake god-napping me.
I swung my hips and looked over my shoulder to give him a smile that I hoped could be interpreted as seductive, but was probably just uneasy.
It seemed like I was more nervous about this than I wanted to admit, even to myself.
Despite knowingthat I was in safe hands, my stomach began twisting into knots with every bump in the road. I cricked my neck, and tried to get comfortable, but the cuffs around my wrists were making that difficult.
As was the gag. Abrax hadn’t tied it particularly tight, but it was trapping the bitter taste of the substance he was supposed to have used to subdue me on my lips. And that stuff tasted vile, I was glad we’d only decided to dab some on my mouth in case one of the other warlocks came close enough to smell it rather than having to drink the stuff.
The van came to a stop, and there was a sick feeling in my stomach as I realised we must have arrived. This wasn’t entirely how I’d pictured going into the Sons of Seth headquarters. There was more walking involved in that, but considering Abrax had been given some surprisingly explicit instructions along with hisabducting-a-godkit, it was better to do it this way.
Even if it left things more open to going wrong.
I heard Abrax get out of the van and slam the door shut. Voices sounded almost immediately, proving that every precaution we’d taken was worthwhile. People were already assessing the situation and making sure that he’d actually done what he said he would.
The double doors of the back of the van opened, letting light inside and making me wince. At least that would add to the idea that I was drugged even when I wasn’t.
Abrax’s emotionless face peered inside, not giving away any of the thoughts beneath the surface. But I knew it was all an act. I knewhimand none of what he’d said to me was a lie. I knew it.
“Ah, Abrax, you’ve returned,” a dark-haired man said as he approached the back of the van and looked in.
“I have.” He stepped to the side so the man could see me.
I resisted the urge to glare at him, knowing I wasn’t supposed to be able to. Even so, the hatred towards this man rose within me. I didn’t need to ask in order to work out who this man was, I could tell from the way Abrax tensed around him.
“And you fulfilled your mission,” the man said.
Abrax cleared his throat. “I did, sir.”
“How did you manage it?”
“I’ve spent the last nine months gaining her trust so that it would be easy to get her alone.”
My heart squeezed even though I knew it was a lie.
Or that Ithoughtit was a lie. There was a chance that I was the one he was tricking here.
No, I couldn’t let myself go down that path. He’d just have drugged me if he was going to betray me. It would have been easier, and he’d have been able to remove the amulets I was wearing at the same time.
I just had to keep faith. I trusted Abrax. He wasn’t about to betray me to the Sons of Seth, even if it would be the easiest thing for him to do right now.
“Where should I take her?” Abrax asked.
“There’s a room prepared for her,” he responded. “But you’re expected on the first floor.”